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Here's the Healthy and Delicious Diet Menu Secret of Beautiful Body Seolhyun AOA, Just Look It Makes You Hungry

Here's the Healthy and Delicious Diet Menu Secret of Beautiful Body Seolhyun AOA, Just Look It Makes You Hungry Seolhyun © NAVER x Dispatch - Seolhyun has a beautiful body that many women desire. On Monday (4/5), Seolhyun shared her diet food menu on her Instagram Story with the caption "Today too..."

This AOA member also shared a photo of a delicious-looking tuna sandwich. This food menu looks tempting with toasted brown bread, lettuce, tomato, and melting tuna in the middle.

1. Netizen Comments

The sandwich photo is accompanied by a portrait of Seolhyun enjoying her meal outside the restaurant, basking in the sunlight. Fans commented on the healthy yet delicious-looking food, as well as Seolhyun's beautiful visuals.

"Wow, it looks really delicious."

"Are you a fairy?"

"I started reflecting on myself after seeing this."

"I wonder why this method works for Seolhyun but not for me HAHA."

2. Balanced with Exercise

According to Koreaboo on Tuesday (5/5), Seolhyun's beautiful body is not only achieved through eating healthy food, but also supported by regular exercise. When it comes to exercise, Seolhyun has mentioned that squats and Pilates are a must whenever she has the opportunity to work out.

With Seolhyun's healthy lifestyle, it's no wonder that the idol born on January 3, 1995 has body goals. Who among KLovers wants to try Seolhyun's diet?


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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