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His Name is Linked to Scandal, Kim Seon Ho's Face Removed from Advertisements & Brands He Starred In

His Name is Linked to Scandal, Kim Seon Ho's Face Removed from Advertisements & Brands He Starred In Kim Seon Ho © tvN - The Korean entertainment world is being rocked by the emergence of a scandal involving actor K. Referring to a viral post on Nate Pann, a woman claimed to be actor K's ex-girlfriend and was forced to have an abortion.

Not stopping there, the woman also claimed that actor K is someone with a dual personality and has no shame. Many are curious about who the actor in question really is, so Korean netizens started speculating that Kim Seon Ho is the one.

Although the agency has not yet spoken up, a series of brands and advertisements that are currently being endorsed by Kim Seon Ho have taken decisive action. As reported by Naver, Domino's Pizza, which is also a sponsor of the drama HOMETOWN CHA CHA CHA, has deleted their posts featuring Kim Seon Ho's face.

Starting from today, Monday (18/10), Domino's Pizza has deleted the advertisement video featuring Kim Seon Ho with popular host Shin Dong Yup. Previously, they were both appointed as the new advertisement models since February 25.

1. Canon Korea and Food Bucket Also Cancel

Not stopping there, Domino's Pizza also erased any trace of Kim Seon Ho in various posts on their social media accounts. However, it turns out that Domino's is not the only brand taking such steps.

According to various media outlets in Korea, Canon Korea and Food Bucket also collaborated with Kim Seon Ho and removed all their ads and promotions related to the actor. The face of Hong Du Shik's character is no longer found in his photos or videos.

As we know, this kind of 'cancel culture' often happens in the entertainment industry in Korea. Every actor or idol involved in a scandal is considered to potentially tarnish the reputation of a brand, even if they have not been proven guilty.

Until now, there has been no statement from Kim Seon Ho or his agency, SALT Entertainment. For those of you who are curious, stay tuned for updates only on KapanLagi®.com KLovers! ;)


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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