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Hyun Bin Cries Over Son Ye Jin, CRASH LANDING ON YOU Drama Gets More Intense

Hyun Bin Cries Over Son Ye Jin, CRASH LANDING ON YOU Drama Gets More Intense CRASH LANDING ON YOU © tvN - Hyun Bin will leave the audience immersed in sadness in the upcoming episode of CRASH LANDING ON YOU. The actor, who plays a North Korean soldier, is seen shedding tears in a spoiler photo released by tvN.

In the previous episode of CRASH LANDING ON YOU, Ri Jung Hyuk (Hyun Bin) and Jo Chul Kang (Oh Man Seok) were involved in a battle. Jo Chul Kang tried to trap Ri Jung Hyuk and Yoon Se Ri (Son Ye Jin) using Jung Man Bok (Kim Young Min).


1. Unexpected Scene

As reported by Soompi, Yoon Se Ri, who was waiting in the car, was shot by Jo Chul Kang who wanted to shoot Ri Jung Hyuk. Ri Jung Hyuk hugged Yoon Se Ri while shedding tears. There were blood stains on the hand of the North Korean soldier who hoped that the woman he loved would open her eyes.

The audience is left wondering whether Yoon Se Ri will survive or not. Furthermore, it remains a big question whether the relationship between Ri Jung Hyuk and Jo Chul Kang will improve after this incident.

2. Achieves Highest Ratings

The drama CRASH LANDING ON YOU seems to be highly anticipated by the audience. This is proven by the highest viewer ratings achieved by the CRASH LANDING ON YOU episode that aired on February 9, 2020. The drama also ranked first during its time slot on all television channels. According to Nielsen Korea, this episode achieved an average national rating of 17.7 percent and reached a peak of 19.0 percent.

Not only that, CRASH LANDING ON YOU also achieved the 4th highest rating in tvN history, following GOBLIN (which reached a peak rating of 20.5 percent), REPLY 1988 (19.6 percent), and MR. SUNSHINE (18.1 percent). The last two episodes of this drama will air on February 15 and 16, 2020.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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