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Jin BTS and Anne Hathaway Become the Most Perfect Faces in the World According to Visual Artists

Jin BTS and Anne Hathaway Become the Most Perfect Faces in the World According to Visual Artists Jin BTS and Anne Hathaway (credit: Special) - It's no longer a secret that Jin BTS is one of the visuals in the world of K-Pop. But it turns out, the handsomeness of the man named Kim Seokjin has also been scientifically proven.

On Friday (19/6/2020), visual artists from the Sluis Painting workshop in the Netherlands announced Jin as the man with the most perfect face in the world. These artists used a combination of face mapping techniques to determine the winner of the Golden Ratio, or the golden ratio.

The golden ratio is a term for people who have perfect facial proportions based on the perspective of mathematical beauty. In short, the golden ratio is the perfection of someone's face based on scientific calculations.

1. Reasons Why Jin Becomes the Most Perfect Face

Among the array of celebrities worldwide, Sluis Painting artists have finally determined the oldest member of BTS as the man with nearly perfect face scientifically. Based on face mapping techniques, here's what makes Jin win:

2. Defeating Jacob Elordi and Henry Cavill

In the second position for the category of men with the most perfect face is Australian actor, Jacob Elordi. Jacob has a high score for the shape of his face.

Meanwhile, English actor who played Superman, Henry Cavill, is in third place. Henry scored high for the position of his mouth and his beautiful lips.

3. Anne Hathaway Winner of the Women's Category

For the women's category, Sluis Painting has Anne Hathaway as the woman with the most perfect face in the world. This American actress is considered to have wide and symmetrical eyes, full lips, clear skin, high nose bridge, and the ratio of the position of her eyes and mouth is perfect.

In the second position is German actress, Laura Berlin, who scored high for the shape of her nose. In third place is actress Roxane Mesquida who scored for the distance between her eyes and the shape of her jawline.

Do you agree, KLovers, with this list?


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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