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Kim Tae Hee Shares Exciting Stories During the Filming of Her Latest Drama 'HI BYE, MAMA!'

Kim Tae Hee Shares Exciting Stories During the Filming of Her Latest Drama 'HI BYE, MAMA!' Kim Tae Hee © - Kim Tae Hee is known to have been absent from acting in dramas for 5 years. Recently, she has been filming her latest drama. The drama is titled HI BYE, MAMA!.

This drama will be starred by a number of famous artists such as Kim Tae Hee, Lee Kyu Hyung, and Go Bo Gyeol. According to Soompi, the drama HI BYE, MAMA! will start airing on February 22.

HI BYE, MAMA! tells the story of a woman named Cha Yu Ri played by Kim Tae Hee. She will experience an accident and visit her husband Jo Kang Hwa (played by Lee Kyu Hyung) and their child in the form of a ghost. Interestingly, she is given 49 days to meet her family.




1. Express Chemistry

Kim Tae Hee reveals her impression of Lee Kyu Hyung, "I rarely meet him because we have never worked together. His role as Jo Kang Hwa looks natural and amazing when acting together."

As Rain's wife, she added, "I think who else could play this role if not him. He shows a wise and simple life. He really helps and makes me comfortable during filming."

Lee Kyu Hyung also responded, "I felt uncomfortable when I first met him. I couldn't even look directly into his eyes because I was unsure if he was human or a goddess."

2. Telling the Story of a Mother

"Even though I played as a ghost. But I really felt that the character was really me," said Kim Tae Hee confidently. She admitted that she was very serious in taking on the role in her latest drama.

"There are many things that are very related to me. I feel trapped in the story of how a mother cannot leave and see her daughter doing everyday activities like walking, running, and eating. As a mother, I can feel the difficulty of taking care of a child," she said.

She added, "Although it is difficult, but I know that time cannot be reversed. Playing the role of a mother makes me grateful for taking care of my child, looking into their eyes, and touching them. I hope everyone can feel the special message from this drama."


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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