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Latest Single DJ KINJO 'The Riot' Released on May 31, 2020, Supported by Ten and Xiaojun WayV

Latest Single DJ KINJO 'The Riot' Released on May 31, 2020, Supported by Ten and Xiaojun WayV DJ KINJO, Ten, Xiaojun (credit: SM Entertainment) - It's no secret that SM Entertainment is a warehouse of talented artists. They not only have top K-Pop idols, but also actresses, actors, and DJs. One of those under their umbrella is DJ KINJO, who has just released a new song.

DJ KINJO's latest single, The Riot, will be released on May 31, 2020 at 10:00 AM (WIB) on various music sites such as Flo, Melon, Genie, iTunes, Apple Music, Spotify, QQ Music, Kugou Music, and Kuwo Music. The Riot is a future house genre song with an energy-feeling drop sound combined with evolving acoustic guitar sounds, creating a strong atmosphere and English lyrics that convey the message of expressing hidden passion in the mind.

1. Ten and Xiaojun Participate

Single The Riot is the result of DJ KINJO's composition and arrangement, who has a unique musical sensibility, as well as the participation of two WayV members, Ten and Xiaojun, adding to the charm of the song with their unique and powerful vocals, hoping to attract music fans' interest.

2. Active DJ

KINJO is an active DJ and producer on the global stage with exceptional DJ skills and musical style. His ability has been recognized with his arranged songs released in SM 'STATION' season 2, namely: You, Notorious, and ESCAPE.

Who is familiar with DJ KINJO?


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