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Lee Min Ho Shows Han River View Accompanied by Romantic Song, Making Kim Go Eun's Birthday Special?

Lee Min Ho Shows Han River View Accompanied by Romantic Song, Making Kim Go Eun's Birthday Special? Lee Min Ho & Kim Go Eun © Netflix - Lee Min Ho once again made the MinGo shippers (fans of the couple Lee Min Ho and Kim Go Eun) flutter. Since starring in the drama THE KING: ETERNAL MONARCH together, rumors have been circulating that they are dating.

Previously, fans speculated that Lee Min Ho and Kim Go Eun were dating based on a photo posted by the actor on Instagram. This time, once again, fans were led to assume that Lee Min Ho was sending a secret message to Kim Go Eun through the video.

Coinciding with Kim Go Eun's birthday night (02/07/2020), Lee Min Ho uploaded a short video on his personal Instagram account. In this captionless video, Lee Min Ho showcased the beautiful night view along the Han River.


1. Accompanied by Romantic Song

Not only the timing of the upload and its content, but also the song accompanying this short video convinces netizens that the actor is currently in love. Among the many songs available, 'Dancing Universe' popularized by Yoon Hyun Sang is Lee Min Ho's choice to add a touch of melancholy to his video.

Here are some lyrics from 'Dancing Universe' that accompany Lee Min Ho's video:

Now that we're getting closer
Everything turns dark, only the light remains
In a world where I dance with you
In a night where it's just the two of us without anyone else watching
In a world where I dance with you
Just holding hands with you feels like a dream

2. Many Supporting Them

Although there hasn't been an official statement from the actors involved, many fans are happy if they are together. Even if they're not in a romantic relationship, fans still pray for the happiness of the actors and actresses starring in the hit drama 'THE KING: ETERNAL MONARCH'.

"Oppa.. I don't want to be delusional. But why did you post this early in the morning, on Ggone's (Kim Go Eun's nickname) birthday? You must know that many people ship the two of you. So I hope I'm not delusional anymore. But I consider this post as an answer that Ggone is someone special in your heart. Many fans support your happiness, Oppa!!!" wrote one fan in the comments section.

3. Night View of Han River

Here is a video post by Lee Min Ho that makes MinGo shippers feel emotional:

View this post on Instagram
Shared by ??? leeminho (@actorleeminho) on Jul 1, 2020 at 12:53 PDT



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