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Netizens Reveal Han So Hee's Mother Suspected of Committing Money Fraud

Netizens Reveal Han So Hee's Mother Suspected of Committing Money Fraud Han So Hee © NAVER x Dispatch - Surprising news comes from actress Han So Hee. Recently, one netizen in an online community in South Korea revealed that they have been deceived by the actress's mother.

The netizen said that they initially joined a cooperative savings group led by Han So Hee's mother. This group conducted cooperative savings by paying monthly installments to the central fund and later each member took turns to receive a large amount of money back.

1. Confession of the Netizen

This netizen claims that they have been diligently paying their dues to the central fund. However, when it was their turn to receive their share, they say that Han So Hee's mother disappeared instead.

"In September 2016, when it was my turn to receive the central fund, she disappeared and made me scared. But when I threatened to report her to the police and take legal action, she finally appeared," as quoted from Koreaboo.

It is said that Han So Hee's mother admitted to having spent all her money and not having any remaining funds from the central fund. However, other group members persuaded the netizen not to take her to court, turning this into a debt agreement.

2. Running Away Again

After the netizen agreed to this agreement, Han So Hee's mother ran away again and changed her phone number. This netizen eventually became angry and even went to Han So Hee's agency in Seoul. However, in the end, they were unable to get their money back.

3. Han So Hee's Past

Knowing this, many Korean netizens sympathized with Han So Hee. In a past interview, the actress revealed that she grew up with her grandmother because her parents divorced when she was young. This is why many people believe that her mother is only using Han So Hee's fame.

Until now, Han So Hee and her agency have not responded to these allegations.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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