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Not Just a Plot Twist, These 6 Crime and Thriller Dramas in School are Hard to Predict

Not Just a Plot Twist, These 6 Crime and Thriller Dramas in School are Hard to Predict Dramas About Crime and Thriller in School (credit: - Dramas about crime often address the dark side of students' lives in school. There are murder cases, prostitution businesses, and bullying cases that complete the thrilling story of Korean dramas in school.

Dramas about crime in school also attract the attention of viewers. This is because the plot twists involve high school students. If you are a fan of dark dramas, the reviews below are a must-watch.

Let's check out more about crime dramas in school with unpredictable endings. Here are the recommendations for KLovers.



1. SKY CASTLE (2018)

Rating8.6 IMDb
Episode20 episodes
Duration1 hour 15 minutes
AiringNetflix, Viki, iQIYI, Disney+ Hotstar
CastYeom Jung Ah, Lee Tae Ran, Yoon Se Ah, Oh Na Ra, Kim Seo Hyun, and others
Drama about crime in a prestigious school filled with plot twists is SKY CASTLE. This Korean drama tells the story of the crimes that occur in a school environment consisting of students from wealthy families. The parents of these students try to get their children into the best university. However, the methods they use are not healthy and involve criminal activities.

They will do anything to make their child the best compared to other students. They also seek the help of an education counselor who is known for successfully getting their child into prestigious universities. However, the arrival of Kim Joo Young in the lives of these wealthy families only makes the situation more complicated.



2. CLASS OF LIES (2019)

Rating7.8 IMDb
Episode16 episode
Durasi1 hour 10 minutes
PemainYoon Kyun Sang, Geum Se Rok, Lee Jun Young, Choi Yoo Hwa, Choi Kyu Jin and others
CLASS OF LIES enters the ranks of school crime dramas as it involves the crimes of students. CLASS OF LIES focuses on a lawyer who goes undercover as a teacher in a school. This disguise is done to uncover the mysterious murder case of a student.

Although one student is accused as the perpetrator, he is not the real suspect. Suspicion arises from several students who have dark secrets. They also hide their own lies. On the other hand, Jung Soo Ah's case is covered up by the students and teachers. Unexpected plot twists occur, confusing the audience in guessing the real culprit.




Rating7.6 IMDb
Episode10 episodes
Duration55 minutes
CastKim Dong Hee, Park Ju Hyun, Jung Da Bin, Nam Yoon Su, and others
The next school crime drama is EXTRACURRICULAR. This Korean drama highlights the story of a prostitution business involving high school students. The business is run by a student named Oh Ji Soo. There is even a female student who is also Ji Soo's friend and joins the world of prostitution to fulfill her lifestyle.

Seo Min Hee, an underage prostitute, does not know that the boss referred to as uncle is Ji Soo. On the other hand, a detective is investigating a case of underage prostitution, which then leads to suspicion on Seo Min Hee. This Korean drama has an exciting plot as these students try to cover up their dark business.



4. BITCH X RICH (2023)

Rating7.1 IMDb
Episode10 episode
Durasi35 menit
TayangNetflix, iQIYI, Wavve
PemainLee Eun Saem, Yeri, Lee Jong Hyuk, Yoo Jung Hoo dan lainnya
Drama tentang kriminal di sekolah berikutnya adalah BITCH X RICH. Drama Korea ini mengisahkan siswa berlatar keluarga kaya raya dan siswa keluarga miskin beruntung bisa masuk SMA bergengsi. Fokus utama pada sosok Baek Je Na ternyata terlibat dengan kasus pembunuhan siswa di SMA Cheongdam.

Seorang siswa bernama Hye In rupanya menjadi saksi satu-satunya peristiwa siswa jatuh dari atap gedung. Namun, ia berhasil dibungkam demi menutupi kesalahan Baek Je Na. Walaupun begitu, Hye In tidak tinggal diam, ia mencoba melawan dibantu beberapa siswa lain yang mengalami nasib serupa.




Rating7.6 IMDb
Episode12 episode
Durasi1 hour 2 minutes
PemainShin Ye Eun, Solomon Park, Seo Ji Hoon, Chae Sang Woo, and others
Drama about crime in the next school is REVENGE OF OTHERS. This drama showcases some dark sides of high school students' lives. There are incidents of bullying and even murder involving the students. One of them focuses on the character Ok Chan Mi, who decides to transfer to a school in the city to investigate her twin sister's death.

She feels suspicious about her sister's death as she suspects it was a murder. At first, Chan Mi suspects a student named Ji Su Heon. However, gradually she also suspects several other students as if they are trying to cover up the case. Not to mention, there are unexpected plot twists that you can watch in the drama REVENGE OF OTHERS that will make you not expect the ending.




Rating7.4 IMDb
Episode12 episode
Durasi60 menit
TayangNetflix, Viki and Disney
PemainKim Hyun Soo, Jang Dong Yoon, Seo Ji Hoon and others
SOLOMON'S PERJURY is a drama about a crime that occurs in a school. This drama involves a murder case that is intentionally covered up because the perpetrator is a person in power. Initially, a student named Lee So Woo was considered to have committed suicide. However, there are anomalies after a letter from a witness mentions the cause of death to be murder.

An investigation is conducted by detectives even though the case has been determined as a suicide. One by one, the truth begins to unravel, making the audience curious. Moreover, the school also holds its own trial.

That's an exciting school crime drama for you to watch. This drama contains many plot twists that will make you curious.




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