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Now 23 Years Old, Here are 7 Transformative Portraits of Yeo Jin Goo in Dramas, From Debut - Now

Now 23 Years Old, Here are 7 Transformative Portraits of Yeo Jin Goo in Dramas, From Debut - Now Yeo Jin Goo (credit:;;; - Yeo Jin Goo is one of the popular actors in South Korea and also internationally. He is one of the Korean celebrities who started his career as a child actor and has continued to thrive until now.

Today is actually Yeo Jin Goo's birthday, KLovers. He was born on August 13, 1997, and is currently 23 years old. Of course, he has played in many dramas and films since his debut until now.

Curious about how Yeo Jin Goo has transformed from a child actor to a charming adult? According to various sources, here are 7 pictures of Yeo Jin Goo's transformation in a drama he played. Let's check it out.



Portrait of Yeo Jin Goo's first transformation can be seen in the drama WANT TO LOVE AGAIN. This drama is his first drama after 1 year of his debut as a child actor.

The drama WANT TO LOVE AGAIN aired in 2006, Yeo Jin Goo played as a very handsome and cute little boy in the drama. Although this is his first debut in a drama, Yeo Jin Goo can perform his role very well.


Portrait of Yeo Jin Goo's second transformation can be seen when he starred in the drama ILJIMAE in 2008. Apparently, ILJIMAE is also one of the first historical dramas that Yeo Jin Goo played in, KLovers.

After performing well in the drama ILJIMAE, Yeo Jin Goo received many offers to play as a prince or even the mesmerizing king of Korea. In the drama ILJIMAE, Yeo Jin Goo played as a young prince acting alongside the beautiful actress Kim Yoo Jung.


After playing in many films and dramas, in 2012 Yeo Jin Goo was reunited with Kim Yoo Jung as a couple in the drama MOON EMBRACING THE SUN. In this drama, they attracted the attention of the audience because they successfully created great chemistry.

In the drama MOON EMBRACING THE SUN, Yeo Jin Goo also successfully portrayed his role as a handsome teenage king in an epic manner. Even at the age of just 15, Yeo Jin Goo's height is almost similar to actor Im Siwan, who is 9 years older than him. Wow, he has really grown into a captivating man, KLovers.


Then, the next transformation of Yeo Jin Goo can be seen in the drama titled ORANGE MARMALADE. In this drama, Yeo Jin Goo plays a high school student who is very captivating.

In the drama ORANGE MARMALADE, Yeo Jin Goo plays alongside Kim Seolhyun, who is a member of the girl group AOA. Of course, in this drama ORANGE MARMALADE, Yeo Jin Goo has grown into a handsome and captivating man for the viewers.


In addition to acting in historical and romantic dramas, it turns out Yeo Jin Goo also played in thriller and science fiction dramas. He played in a drama titled CIRCLE in 2017.

This drama has a lot of complex thoughts and heavy issues. Nevertheless, Yeo Jin Goo managed to deliver his role with epicness. Even though he was only 20 years old, Yeo Jin Goo amazed the audience with his amazing acting.


The next transformation of Yeo Jin Goo can be seen in a drama titled THE CROWNED CLOWN. This drama, which aired in 2019, once again made Yeo Jin Goo play the role of a king.

Unlike the usual king, in the drama THE CROWNED CLOWN, Yeo Jin Goo had to play a dual character. He had to portray an evil king, and at the same time, he had to be a kind and wise king.

Although he had to play two characters at once, Yeo Jin Goo successfully portrayed them with epicness. He even managed to captivate the audience with his acting in the drama. THE CROWNED CLOWN received a lot of praise, not only from Korean viewers but also internationally.


And the latest transformation portrait of Yeo Jin Goo is in the drama HOTEL DEL LUNA. This drama, which aired in 2019, not only reminds us of actor Yeo Jin Goo, but also makes Yeo Jin Goo's name increasingly popular internationally.

The drama, in which he stars alongside IU, has received an incredible response from viewers. In fact, HOTEL DEL LUNA became one of the best cable TV dramas in 2019, with high ratings. It's no wonder that Yeo Jin Goo's name has risen and become even more popular to this day.

Those are 7 transformation portraits of Yeo Jin Goo in several dramas that he has played since his debut until now. Even though he has been famous since childhood, Yeo Jin Goo's name still persists and continues to be popular as a Korean actor.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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