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Once a Martial Arts Artist - World Diving Diva in Film, Shin Min Ah Wants to Try Playing a Sexy Character

Once a Martial Arts Artist - World Diving Diva in Film, Shin Min Ah Wants to Try Playing a Sexy Character Shin Min Ah © Marie Claire Korea - Shin Min Ah is currently promoting her latest film titled DIVA. In this mystery thriller film, Shin Min Ah plays the role of Lee Young, who is dubbed as the "diva of the underwater world."

During an interview with Marie Claire Korea, Kim Woo Bin's girlfriend described DIVA as an important film for her. She stated that this latest project feels like a part of herself.

"Before we started filming, I spent a lot of time working hard to undergo diving training with my co-star. This is definitely a film that requires long preparation. I prepared many things for this film until its premiere. I really thought about Lee Young's mentality and worried about diving techniques as well. Because I prepared for it and got involved in various ways, this film feels more and more like a part of myself," said Shin Min Ah, as quoted by Soompi.

1. Always Totality

As known, Shin Min Ah herself is known as an actress with a wide range of acting abilities. This beautiful actress has proven her ability to portray various types of characters and often has to learn new skills to delve into her roles.

"Starting with my film debut in VOLCANO HIGH SCHOOL. After thinking about it, I really learned a lot for my projects," said Shin Min Ah.

"I practiced the cello for A BITTERSWEET LIFE even though it wasn't a big part of the film, and I even fainted for five seconds while practicing boxing for the drama PUNCH. I learned to dance for GO GO 70S and trained in a martial arts school for MY MIGHTY PRINCESS. At that time, I was still young, so I worked very hard using my strength. I used my whole body during training, and I played many roles that could only be done if my body was accustomed to the job. DIVA was the same. I was determined to perform the movements well, and after pushing myself like that, I started to love it more and it felt like a part of myself," she continued.

2. Full of Struggle

When asked whether acting is a job that has more happy moments or painful ones, Shin Min Ah revealed an unexpected answer. Apparently, she admitted that pursuing a career as an actress is full of struggle.

"I discussed how enjoyable it is (to be involved in the acting world), but there are many painful moments. Painful but delightful," she said.

3. Wanting to Try a Sexy Character

Furthermore, she discussed what kind of job she would like to add to her filmography. Shin Min Ah, who likes to try new things, admitted that she wants to try a sexy image.

"I want to continue trying many different things. I want to play a woman with sensuality that suits me," she said.

The movie DIVA premiered in theaters in Korea on September 23. We look forward to your next great work, Shin Min Ah!


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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