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Park Seo Joon Leaves a Comment on IU's Teaser Video, Not Connected and Totally Random

Park Seo Joon Leaves a Comment on IU's Teaser Video, Not Connected and Totally Random IU and Park Seo Joon (credit: Special) - The new song by IU is eagerly awaited by music lovers and K-Pop fans. Besides being known for always having great songs and a very pleasant voice to listen to, for her latest single she will be collaborating with top K-Pop idol and cool musician, Suga BTS.

IU's new single in collaboration with Suga is titled Eight and will be released today, Wednesday (5/6/2020). Previously, a short teaser video for the song's MV has been released and has been watched millions of times on Youtube.

1. Park Seo Joon's Comment

In the teaser video, IU appears to portray the character of a cyborg or robot. With a blank face, she asks, "Will you erase your memories?"

Of course, IU fans and K-Pop fans immediately flooded the comment section, but there was one comment that caught the attention of netizens. The comment was given by actor Park Seo Joon on his Youtube channel, Record PARK's.

2. Random Banget

What's even more hilarious is the comment given by Park Seo Joon, it's completely random. He writes, "Have a good day," which made many people laugh. Because of his sudden and random comment, many fans believe that it was indeed written by Park Seo Joon himself.

IU and Park Seo Joon are currently working together on a film titled DREAM, which also stars Lee Hyun Woo. It seems like they are already close, to the point where Park Seo Joon isn't shy to comment on IU's teaser video.

3. Video Teaser


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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