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Park Seo Joon's Mischievous Side Revealed Behind the Scenes of 'ITAEWON CLASS', Kim Da Mi Becomes a Victim

Park Seo Joon's Mischievous Side Revealed Behind the Scenes of 'ITAEWON CLASS', Kim Da Mi Becomes a Victim Kim Da Mi - Park Seo Joon © JTBC - On March 3, 2020, JTBC released a behind-the-scenes video of the webtoon adaptation drama ITAEWON CLASS. In the video, Park Seo Joon and Kim Da Mi are preparing for a scene where they do a live broadcast through Instagram.

Park Seo Joon demonstrates the habit of people fixing their hair while the two main actors are practicing their lines. The handsome actor pretends to brush back his bald head, eliciting laughter from Ryu Kyung Soo.



1. Difficulty in Improvisation

As reported by Soompi, the cast of ITAEWON CLASS successfully performed the scene, but the director asked them to redo the scene with a little improvisation. Kim Da Mi, who initially understood the director's intention, suddenly had difficulty expressing herself when the camera was on her.

Park Seo Joon immediately teased his co-star, saying that Kim Da Mi's mind was wandering everywhere. Park Seo Joon's words once again made the cast of ITAEWON CLASS laugh.

2. Mischievous Throughout the Shooting Process

Park Seo Joon and Kim Da Mi repeated the scene. This time, Kim Da Mi became talkative, making Park Seo Joon laugh. In the next attempt, Kim Da Mi laughed at herself because her explanation was too long. "Are you from the [news program] SECTION TV?" said Park Seo Joon.

The actor born in 1988 also teased Kim Da Mi, who used the word 'finally' repeatedly and caused a playful retaliation from the actress in the form of a light punch. During the final rehearsal, Kim Da Mi even forgot her lines. Park Seo Joon's mischief reappeared as he seemingly gathered Kim Da Mi's wandering thoughts and inserted them into the actress's head. So adorable!


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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