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Photos of Won Bin and Lee Na Young When They Were Still Dating Circulate, Netizens Curious About Their Child

Photos of Won Bin and Lee Na Young When They Were Still Dating Circulate, Netizens Curious About Their Child Won Bin and Lee Na Young (credit: Special) - Ugly never seems to exist in the Korean netizens' dictionary whenever they see photos of Won Bin. Yes, even though he hasn't acted in dramas or movies for years, the 42-year-old actor is still frequently featured in the media.

This time, Won Bin is being talked about along with his wife, Lee Na Young. Like her husband, Lee Na Young also always receives praise for her beauty and tall stature.


1. Old Photos Circulate

According to TopStarNews, old photos of Won Bin and Lee Na Young are circulating in online communities. The photos were reportedly taken when they were still dating and seem to be on a date at a cafe, appearing to have just finished drinking.

Considering that they are both celebrities who are very private, it's not surprising that these unreleased photos suddenly became a topic of discussion among Korean netizens. Several comments were made about them.

2. Komentar Netizens Korea

These are some comments given by netizens after seeing old photos of Won Bin and Lee Na Young:

"I want to know what their son looks like..."

"You don't need to know what their son looks like. Both of their parents are tall and good-looking."

"Please have many children and raise the average handsome face in our country."

"It's impossible for their child not to be handsome. Even if he only inherits 60% of his parents' genes, he will still be among the top 0.0001% of handsome people in this country."

3. Let's Just Wait!

But it seems really difficult to know what Lee Na Young and Won Bin's child looks like, considering that both of their parents really protect their privacy. Unless someday he enters the entertainment industry as well.

Well, let's just wait and be curious together about Won Bin - Lee Na Young's child!


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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