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Playing in 'CONGRATS MY EX!' with Bollywood Flavors, Bright Vachirawit and Bella Ranee Become Fans of Indian Food

Playing in 'CONGRATS MY EX!' with Bollywood Flavors, Bright Vachirawit and Bella Ranee Become Fans of Indian Food Bella Ranee and Bright Vachirawit (credit: Prime Video) - Bright Vachirawit and Bella Ranee will soon greet fans through the film CONGRATS MY EX!. In addition to playing ex-lovers in the film, they also have to deal with Indian culture because their co-stars come from that country.

CONGRATS MY EX! itself tells the story of a wedding planner named Risa (Bella Ranee) who is on the verge of bankruptcy. In order to revive her business, she reluctantly accepts a challenging Indian wedding project. Unexpectedly, the groom is her ex-lover whom she has not been able to forget, Arun (Mahir Pandhi). To make things more complicated, Risa asks for help from another ex-boyfriend named Tim (Bright). 

1. Bright and Bella's Favorite Indian Food had the opportunity to interview Bright and Bella. They were asked about what interests and delights them about Indian culture. Bright immediately answered food.

"I love Indian food. What's it called? It's like a dessert. It's round and full. I forgot the name. What's it called? It's like a cake, round, but the taste is hmm..." said Bright.

"Is it sour?" Bella responded.

"Yes, it's a bit sour," Bright answered, confirming.

"What's the name of it? Pani puri?" Bella asked again.

"Yes. That's it."

"The crispy one?" Bella double-checked.

"Yes, the crispy one. It's juicy on the inside. I really like it," said Bright.


2. About Indian Traditional Wedding Ceremonies

Not only about marriage, Bright and Bella also briefly discussed Indian traditional weddings. FYI, in the movie there will be a scene where Bright and Bella dance at an Indian wedding ceremony.

"I like Indian-style weddings. They look very enjoyable. Everyone is having fun. They also like to drink. Yes, I like it," said Bright.

"The vibe of Indian wedding ceremonies is extraordinary. The whole family gathers and it's very warm. They truly love each other," Bella continued.

"In my opinion, Indian and Thai people have a similar aura when it comes to weddings. Just with some differences. How do I say it? Like different styles and types, but the vibe is the same," concluded Bright.

So, are you excited to see Bright and Bella dressed like Bollywood stars? Don't miss CONGRATS MY EX! starting from November 16th only on Prime Video.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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