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Playing the role of a mysterious religious group leader, Yoo Ah In is awaited for his action in the drama 'HELLBOUND'

Playing the role of a mysterious religious group leader, Yoo Ah In is awaited for his action in the drama 'HELLBOUND' Hellbound Team (Credit: Netflix) - The fantasy drama series from Netflix, HELLBOUND, will soon release its first episode. If everything goes according to plan and there are no obstacles, the premiere will be held on November 19, 2021. Ahead of the release, the HELLBOUND team, together with Netflix, held a press conference to explain, introduce, and raise awareness of this drama to its loyal viewers.

The press conference was attended by the director, Netflix team, and several actors in the drama such as Yoo Ah In and Kim Hyun Joo. In the press conference, many interesting things were shared by the people involved in this drama. One of the highlights was the statements made by Yoo Ah In regarding his unique and different role.

Several questions were asked to Yoo Ah In about his role as the mysterious leader of a religious group in the drama. He also expressed his enthusiasm for playing in this drama and portraying the character Jung Jinsu, the leader of the religious group. Want to know more interesting things about Yoo Ah In's role? Keep reading in the article below!

1. Title of Drama and Unique Role as Reason for Joining

Yoo Ah In decided to participate in this drama because of its unique and aggressive title. According to him, there are many dramas that also explore the themes of good and evil, but this project uses hell as its centerpiece. He finds it different and intriguing.

Furthermore, his role as Jung Jinsu also piques his curiosity, especially under the direction of the phenomenal director, Yeon Sang Ho. Jung Jinsu himself is a character who leads a religious group. He is mysterious and keeps his feelings to himself. He interprets the phenomena he observes in his own way and imposes his own logic on them.

2. Yoo Ah In Wants to Portray His Character in a Different and Profound Way

Jung Jinsu himself is a character who becomes the leader of a mysterious religious group. However, according to Yoo Ah In, Jung Jinsu is not the leader of a cult that is closely related to evil characters. In fact, Yoo Ah In tends to distance himself from the dichotomy of good and evil.

Yoo Ah In wants to portray him in a rich and detailed way. To understand the details of his life, the famous Korean actor and model consulted with the director and spent a lot of time imagining the character's experiences. Yoo Ah In wants a deep understanding of the loneliness and solitude of the character he plays.

3. Yoo Ah In Gives His Response to the Representation of Hell in This Drama

The title of this drama, which emphasizes hell as its centerpiece, is indeed very attention-grabbing. Yoo Ah In himself also believes that this drama portrays hell from a different perspective under the direction of Yeon Sang Ho. 

According to him, Yeon Sang Ho successfully represents hell with a simple representation. When reading the script, Yoo Ah In believes that the representation of hell in this drama is not a place after death, but rather things that exist near us at present. Fascinating, right KLovers? So, are you one of those who are looking forward to Yoo Ah In's performance in this latest Netflix drama? 

Written by: Muhammad Ancah


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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