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Release of MV 'Think Of You', Taemin SHINee Gives Sweet Surprise to Fans!

Release of MV 'Think Of You', Taemin SHINee Gives Sweet Surprise to Fans! Taemin SHINee. Credit: SM Entertainment - Recently, handsome Idol Taemin SHINee made a comeback with the album Never Gonna Dance Again: Act 2. Of course, this moment was immediately celebrated by fans.

However, the surprises from Taemin SHINee didn't stop there. This time, the youngest member of SHINee has just released a special music video for his fans!



1. Think Of You

The music video for 'Think Of You', which is a special gift from TAEMIN to fans, was released on November 20, 2020, at 16.00 WIB through the YouTube channel and NaverTV SMTOWN.

'Think Of You' is an electronic pop song that creates a refreshing atmosphere with cheerful vocal source, rhythmic guitar, and percussion. The lyrics of this song were written by TAEMIN himself about what comes to his mind when he thinks of his fans.




2. Harapan

The music video for this song is expected to attract fans' attention by showing TAEMIN enjoying his leisure time while visiting Paris, France, earlier this year.

Meanwhile, TAEMIN's third full-length album 'Never Gonna Dance Again: Act 2' successfully topped the iTunes 'Top Album' chart in 34 countries, 'Digital Album Sales' QQ Music, and 'Album Top 100' Line Music Japan.





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