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Review 'D.P.': Chasing Deserters Mission Starring Jung Hae In, Full of Emotionally Draining Stories

Review 'D.P.': Chasing Deserters Mission Starring Jung Hae In, Full of Emotionally Draining Stories Credit: Instagram/netflixkr - Every male citizen of the Republic of Korea must serve in the military with loyalty according to the constitution and laws.

Military Service Act Article 3

This is the article clearly written on the opening screen of each episode of D.P., a Netflix original drama that officially aired on August 27, 2021. Like an 'introduction' that you can read in that article, this drama indeed revolves around the lives of Korean citizens who fulfill their noble duty, which is military service.

Furthermore, D.P., which stands for Deserter Pursuit, focuses on the task of a special unit that chases after deserters in the midst of their military service. This is where the story begins.


1. Opening Eyes to the Real Military Life

Opening the story of the first episode D.P., you will be presented with the life story of An Jun Ho (Jung Hae In) who has had an unlucky fate since childhood. Counting down the days to military service, he is always depicted as being alone. In fact, he doesn't experience dramatic farewells like other wamil participants. If you ask why, don't worry, there is an answer in the following episodes.

An Jun Ho's life in the military barracks is definitely not pleasant. Hard physical training like a soldier is a daily routine. But, it's not just that which makes wamil feel heavy. Boundless seniority from other soldiers also becomes a highlight of the story that cannot be ignored.


2. Bromance that Makes it Hard to Move On

An Jun Ho then joins D.P., a special unit commanded by Park Beum Gu (Kim Sung Kyun). Here, he works together with Corporal Han Ho Yeol (Koo Kyo Hwan) in pursuing runaway soldiers who are on their wanted list.

Character development begins to emerge. Corporal Han, who may appear talkative and seem to know everything, turns out to have mature experience in field missions. Likewise, An Jun Ho, who begins to sharpen his analytical skills during the search. Having contrasting personalities, they actually become a compact and complementary partner in every mission they undertake. Not to mention, a strong bromance becomes a spice in the story that will make it hard for you to move on after finishing watching all six episodes.


3. Every Mission Unveils an Emotion-Filled Story

D.P. successfully delivers a storyline that plays with the emotions of the audience. After laughing at the funny antics of the bromance duo Jun Ho and Corporal Han, there is always a heart-wrenching story revealed from each mission undertaken.

There is a reason why these soldiers run away. Some have personal reasons, such as wanting to protect their helpless families. But, the main highlight is about bullying that reveals the dark side of the South Korean military.

Credit: Instagram/netflixkr

D.P. clearly portrays how seniority in the military turns into acts of physical, mental, and even sexual violence, which becomes an irony. Each story develops from one episode to another, creating a dramatic climax at the ending. From a simple case of soldiers running away to eventually involving injured personnel during the pursuit, kidnapping attempts, and the deployment of special anti-terrorism forces to solve a case.

Not to be missed, the audience will also be left questioning something. Should strict military rules be implemented at the expense of humanity?

Prepare your heart before streaming D.P. on Netflix.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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