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Review Drama 'UNCLE SAMSIK' Starring Song Kang Ho and Byun Yo Han, an Ambition for Korea and Curiosity for Pizza

Review Drama 'UNCLE SAMSIK' Starring Song Kang Ho and Byun Yo Han, an Ambition for Korea and Curiosity for Pizza Byun Yo Han and Song Kang Ho in UNCLE SAMSIK (credit: Disney+ Hotstar) - UNCLE SAMSIK is a new series ready to entertain Korean drama lovers. The cast is not half-hearted. There are Song Kang Ho, Byun Yo Han, Jin Ki Joo, and Tiffany Young.

UNCLE SAMSIK itself tells the story of a man who wants to be called Uncle Samsik (Song Kang Ho). He is a figure with big dreams and mysteries involved in the political world of Korea in the 1959 and 1960 era.

One day, Samsik is impressed by the speech delivered by Kim San (Byun Yo Han), a university alumni in the United States who dreams of advancing South Korea as an industrial country. Since then, Uncle Samsik has always persuaded Kim San to believe in him and promised to fulfill his dream for Korea.

1. Episode Pertama yang Krusial

Every drama should be able to attract the audience's attention from the first episode. The same goes for UNCLE SAMSIK. The prologue at the beginning of this first episode will also lead us to the following stories about the uncle and the political world of Korea at that time.

At the beginning, we will also be introduced to several important characters who play a role in the story. Like the president, presidential candidates, and thugs. Surely, we will also be curious about who Uncle Samsik really is and what his ultimate goal is.

2. Setting Korea in the Past

As explained at the beginning, UNCLE SAMSIK is set in the year 1959 and 1960 when South Korea can be said to be not as developed as the present. The storyline also goes back and forth. But don't worry, later in some scenes, it will be explained which year the scene is taken from.

Oh yeah, even though the story is filled with politics of that era, it should be remembered that UNCLE SAMSIK is just a fictional story. It is only made to seem like this event happened in the past, which is believable.

3. Top Notch Acting

Song Kang Ho has been known for his brilliant acting in films. And he once again showcased it in UNCLE SAMSIK. Song Kang Ho as Uncle Samsik can exude a mysterious aura.

Another commendable performance is by Byun Yo Han. His acting when giving a speech in front of the dismissive council members allows us to see how good of an actor he is.

Lee Kyu Hyung, Song Kang Ho's colleague and enemy in this film, also impresses us. He can portray a cunning politician as well as a coward at the same time.

4. Complex Story and Memorable Dialogues

UNCLE SAMSIK mainly revolves around the political world. However, it also includes family stories and romance, although not in a brutal way. The love story between Kim San and Choo Yeo Jin (Jin Ki Joo) is depicted as very sweet in the beginning, even without excessive dating scenes.

In addition, there are dialogues that will make the audience remember and are important for the progression of the story, 'Anyone know pizza? Anyone ever tried it?'

For those curious about UNCLE SAMSIK, the first five episodes can already be watched on Disney+ Hotstar. So don't miss it.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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