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[REVIEW] 'NOT FRIENDS', Dynamics of Friendship and the Excitement Behind the Scenes of a Film

[REVIEW] 'NOT FRIENDS', Dynamics of Friendship and the Excitement Behind the Scenes of a Film NOT FRIENDS (credit: GDH) - By: Adi Abas Nugroho

NOT FRIENDS is a film submitted to represent Thailand at the 94th Academy Awards. This bildungsroman drama marks Atta Hemwadee's directorial debut.

The film tells the story of Pae (Anthony Buisseret) who transfers to a new school in the middle of the semester. The death of a popular student named Joe (Pisitpol Ekaphongsipit) inspires him to make a short film as a memento before graduation.

However, Pae has a hidden agenda behind the making of the film. He wants his work to be a ticket to enter university. Soon, Pae faces opposition from Bokeh (Thitiya Jirapornsilp), a student who dislikes her friend's death being exploited.

1. Inserting Meta Elements

At first glance, NOT FRIENDS appears to be a typical coming-of-age drama that we often watch. However, the inclusion of meta elements and all its references make this film, which was also written by Atta Hemwadee, even more exciting.

These meta elements are explored in the process of making a short film by the characters. It is enjoyable to see the profession behind the scenes of a show presented in a fun way. It is no wonder that after watching the film, young audiences, who are the main target, will be inspired.

2. About the Dynamics of Friendship

Apart from the aforementioned meta elements, the storyline presented in NOT FRIENDS is also equally interesting. For those who enjoy conflicts about love, please step back a bit because this film focuses on the dynamics of friendship.

The young actors act very naturally, such as Anthony Buisseret and Thitiya Jitapornsilp, who are paired again after previously acting together in YOU AND ME AND ME. The supporting cast also plays their roles accordingly. It would be a shame to miss this bildungsroman drama on the big screen. And enjoy falling in love with cinema!


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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