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Same Twin as Syahrini, How Much is the Price of the Dress Worn by Jung Eun Chae in 'THE KING: ETERNAL MONARCH'?

Same Twin as Syahrini, How Much is the Price of the Dress Worn by Jung Eun Chae in 'THE KING: ETERNAL MONARCH'? Syahrini © Instagram/princessyahrini - Jung Eun Chae © Special - Although it has now ended, the drama THE KING: ETERNAL MONARCH is always interesting to discuss. Even the costumes of the actors recently caught attention.

It all started from one of the posts shared by Syahrini through Instagram Story. In her post, it can be seen that one Indonesian netizen juxtaposed a photo of Syahrini with Jung Eun Chae.

Interestingly, these two celebrities were juxtaposed because they were wearing the same dress. This immediately caused a sensation among fans. So, how much is the price of the dress worn by both of them?

1. Same Twins Syahrini

If you look at the photo, it can be seen that Syahrini and Jung Eun Chae are wearing black clothes with the same details. Syahrini's photo was uploaded on February 29th, while Jung Eun Chae was playing Prime Minister Koo in the drama THE KING: ETERNAL MONARCH.

"The clothes of @princesssyahrini @syh55 are the same as the cast of the drama The King," wrote the netizen.

2. Clothing Price

Of course, the price of this clothing becomes a big question for netizens. Because how can Jung Eun Chae have the same clothes as Syahrini.

Quoting from Instagram @fashionsyahrini, it turns out that the clothing costs around 60 million. It is known that the clothing set is branded Alexander McQueen.

The clothing named 'Sheer Panel Turtleneck Jumper' costs Rp 15,101,600. As for the skirt, it costs Rp 51,786,400, making the total around Rp 60 million.

Wow, who would have thought that Syahrini and Jung Eun Chae's clothes could be this expensive. So, is there anyone who wants to be their twins?


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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