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Song Jae Rim and Jiyeon T-Ara Rumored to be Dating, Here's the Agency's Clarification

Song Jae Rim and Jiyeon T-Ara Rumored to be Dating, Here's the Agency's Clarification © Chosunilbo & - The news about actor Song Jae Rim and Jiyeon T-ARA dating arose after an eyewitness saw them driving together. Song Jae Rim and Jiyeon were seen refueling their car together and appeared to be on a date.

However, the agencies of both celebrities responded to the rumors with a statement denying the dating speculation. As reported by Koreaboo, Song Jae Rim's agency clarified that they are only friends who share the same hobby, which is cycling.

1. Clarification from Song Jae Rim's Agency

Song Jae Rim's agency, Grand Anse, stated that the two celebrities were on their way to the cycling circuit for training when they were seen by witnesses.

"They first met while filming I WANNA HEAR YOUR SONG last year, and both of them share a hobby of cycling. They are just friendly senior and junior actors in the acting world. On the 17th, Song Jae Rim went to train cycling at the circuit in Taebaek. Jiyeon has just started this hobby, so she went with Song Jae Rim. That's when they were seen together. The cycling training circuit is located in a rural area, so there was a misunderstanding," said Grand Anse.

2. Clarification from Jiyeon's Agency T-Ara

Jiyeon's agency emphasized that they are not dating and the actors from the drama I WANNA HEAR YOUR SONG often meet as friends. "They are just close friends. The actors from this drama are familiar with each other and often meet. They are not in a romantic relationship."

Jiyeon's agency also verified the story by explaining that she wanted to learn at the circuit after hearing that Song Jae Rim had booked a safe location for private use.

"Jiyeon got to know Song Jae Rim through the drama, and they are close friends. It is true that they traveled to the countryside together. Song Jae Rim had booked a cycling circuit located near Taebaek. Jiyeon recently bought a bicycle and is learning how to ride it. When discussing cycling, they decided to train together at the circuit. The bicycle was sent to the circuit beforehand, and they went together in a car. That's what the witnesses saw," said Jiyeon's agency.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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