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Suzy Too Sweet, Kang Ha Na Struggles to Show Her Claws

Suzy Too Sweet, Kang Ha Na Struggles to Show Her Claws Suzy and Kang Han Na (credit: Netflix) - START-UP can be watched soon. Starring Suzy, Nam Joo Hyuk, Kim Seon Ho, and Kang Han Na. They are all portrayed as having dreams to fulfill their aspirations in the start-up world.

START-UP will not only present the chemistry between the actors and actresses, but there will also be many interesting scenes between Suzy and Kang Han Na to watch. They are also very close on the filming location.

1. Kang Han Na Struggles to Be Evil towards Suzy

The main cast of START-UP just held a press conference to promote their drama. One of the topics discussed was the rivalry between the characters played by Suzy and Kang Han Na, Dal Mi and In Jae.

"My character, In Jae, and Dal Mi have a rivalry and there is a small conflict between us. Suzy, as we know, is very fun, so it's difficult for me to show my claws for the character Dal Mi. In the drama, we hate each other, but on the filming location, we have a good friendship and I hope you all look forward to the chemistry between us," said Kang Han Na.

2. Suzy Also Likes Confusion

Suzy also has her own opinion about the conflict between her character and Kang Han Na in the drama. However, she also feels that Kang Han Na is very different from the character she plays in START-UP.

"In Jae is a cold person, but Kang Ha Na is cheerful and fun, so there is confusion for me between the real Kang Han Na and In Jae. When we have to maintain tension between us, there are times when we break character and laugh," Suzy said.

It's fun to see beautiful women in conflict!


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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