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Taeyeon Presents R&B Vibes Through the Song 'Melt Away'

Taeyeon Presents R&B Vibes Through the Song 'Melt Away' Taeyeon ©SM Entertainment - Taeyeon's 5th mini album TO. X consisting of 6 songs of various genres, including the song Melt Away, will be released on November 27, 2023, at 16.00 WIB through various music platforms. The physical album will also be released on the same date.

Melt Away is an R&B song that combines guitar riffs, trumpets, and percussion. The lyrics of this song convey a relaxed and confident attitude towards the ability to melt the cold hearts of others. Taeyeon Girls Generation's impressive singing ability and beautiful ad-libs maximize the atmosphere of the song.

Meanwhile, Taeyeon has released a highlight clip of the song Melt Away and the latest teaser image on November 20, 2023, at 22.00 WIB through Taeyeon's YouTube channel and various Girls Generation social media accounts.

1. Release Highlight Clip of the song 'Fabulous'

Previously, Taeyeon has also released a highlight clip of the song Fabulous, which is one of the songs in the 5th mini-album TO. X on November 15, 2023, at 22:00 WIB through Taeyeon Official YouTube channel. Taeyeon will continue to release highlight clips of her latest songs sequentially and increase expectations for her new album.

Fabulous is an R&B song with a grand string line and beautiful trumpet sound. The English lyrics of this song contain a confident feeling that makes everyone jealous but also feels in danger at the same time.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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