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Thai Actress Sarinrat Thomas Surprised by Indonesian Response to the Film 'HOW TO MAKE MILLIONS BEFORE GRANDMA DIES'

Thai Actress Sarinrat Thomas Surprised by Indonesian Response to the Film 'HOW TO MAKE MILLIONS BEFORE GRANDMA DIES' HOW TO MAKE MILLIONS BEFORE GRANDMA DIES (credit: Jor Kwangs Films) - A film from Thailand titled HOW TO MAKE MILLIONS BEFORE GRANDMA DIES has been released in Indonesian cinemas since May 15, 2024. Since the first day of screening, the public response has been quite enthusiastic.

On the first day, the film starring Putthipong Assaratanakul aka Billkin only gathered fifteen thousand viewers. But as the days went by, the numbers became more massive.

1. Surprised Response from Indonesian Audience

On the eighth day of its screening in cinemas throughout Indonesia, HOW TO MAKE MILLIONS BEFORE GRANDMA DIES managed to gather a total of 795,732 viewers. This made one of the cast members, Sarinrat Thomas, express her surprise.

"Hello Indonesia, I am very surprised, I am very happy that you liked our film," said Sarinrat quoted from a release obtained by on Thursday (23/5/2024).

2. Reading the Audience's Reaction in Indonesia

Furthermore, Sarinrat Thomas stated that she has read positive reactions from the audience of HOW TO MAKE MILLIONS BEFORE GRANDMA DIES in Indonesia. Therefore, she expresses her gratitude for the support that exists.

"I want to say that I have read every message sent to me. Please continue to support us," said the actor who portrays the character Chew.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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