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The History of Chiljeongsan, the Original Korean Calendar System Created during the Joseon Dynasty

The History of Chiljeongsan, the Original Korean Calendar System Created during the Joseon Dynasty Chiljeongsan © - There is much more to know about South Korea than just K-Pop and dramas. History, culture, and heritage are some of the many knowledge that can broaden our understanding of the Land of Ginseng.

This time, we will get to know about Chiljeongsan, which is the original Korean calendar system. This calendar was created in 1443, or the 15th year of King Sejong's reign during the Joseon Dynasty.

Chiljeong refers to the seven components that regulate the calendar system, including the Sun, Moon, Jupiter, Mars, Saturn, Venus, and Mercury. Chiljeongsan consists of two volumes. One volume uses the Chinese calendar system to calculate the positions of the seven celestial determinants related to Joseon. The other system uses the Islamic calendar.

1. King Sejong's Steps to Create the Korean Calendar

As reported from the Voluntary Agency Network of Korea (VANK) page, in the 15th century, creating a calendar system was a large-scale national project. It required talented astronomers and astronomical instruments. This is what prompted King Sejong to take firm steps.

First, he encouraged scholars to study the existing calendar systems in East Asia. Then, he asked them to study the Arab calendar system and then the world's leading astronomy. After training the astronomers, he developed infrastructure for astronomical observations by building the Royal Ganuidae Observatory in 1434. He didn't stop there, he also developed astronomical instruments such as Honcheonui (Celestial Globe) and Ganui (a simplified version of Honcheonui).

Furthermore, in 1437, Joseon designed many astronomical instruments, including Honsang (Celestial Globe), Gyupyo (Time Measuring Device), Jagyeongnu (Water Clock), Soganui (mini version of Ganui), Angbuilgu (Sundial), Cheonpyeongilgu (Portable Sundial), and Hyeonjuilgu (Portable Sundial).

2. Peak of Joseon's Astronomical Advancement

By using this device, Joseon was able to predict solar and lunar eclipses as well as astronomical changes much more accurately than before. This is what makes Chiljeongsan the peak of Joseon's astronomical advancement.

Joseon developed its calendar system by applying its knowledge of the Chinese and Islamic calendar systems to its own astronomical observations. The creation of this independent calendar system is an extraordinary achievement.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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