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To Deepen his Role in the Drama 'D.P.', Son Seok Koo Visited the Platoon Leader During Mandatory Military Service

To Deepen his Role in the Drama 'D.P.', Son Seok Koo Visited the Platoon Leader During Mandatory Military Service Son Seok Koo. Credit: Netflix - Drama 'D.P.' is starred by various famous actors, one of whom is the handsome actor Son Seok Koo. In the series adapted from the webtoon, he plays the character Im Ji Seob, who is a military captain.

When attending a press conference for his latest drama, Son Seok Koo talked about his role. He also explained that he wanted to deeply understand the character.

"Yes, I really want to understand my character. Because when I'm filming, I want to give my best. Because I want people to really get the message from this drama, so I have to be involved so realistically," he said.

Son Seok Koo also explained that he had a close relationship with his platoon leader during his mandatory military service. There, he decided to further deepen his character.


1. Visiting the Platoon Leader

Furthermore, Kim Seok Koo revealed that he visited his military platoon leader. This was done in order to further understand the character he portrayed in the drama 'D.P.'

"When I was serving in the military, I got close to my platoon leader. I visited my military head when I was in the military to deepen my character as a military captain," he explained.

"I asked him how I could appear very realistic as a captain. I collected a lot of information about what I should do, and then he checked it," Kim Seok Koo continued.

"He helped me a lot. This was also an opportunity for me to express my gratitude to him," he concluded.


2. Military Life

The drama 'D.P.', which is also aired on Netflix, presents the story of soldiers carrying out important missions. The director explained that there are many interesting military issues to be addressed in a drama.

"We can learn a lot about military life in this drama," said director Han Jun Hee.

"There are many issues that can be raised in the military. I am very grateful to many parties who have allowed me to make it into a film," he concluded.

So, for those of you who are interested in military stories, don't forget to watch 'D.P.' on Netflix!




Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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