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To Entertain Loyal K-Drama Fans, Vidio Airs THROUGH THE DARKNESS with a Criminal Thriller Theme

To Entertain Loyal K-Drama Fans, Vidio Airs THROUGH THE DARKNESS with a Criminal Thriller Theme Vidio airs THROUGH THE DARKNESS (credit: Personal Documentation) - Until now, Korean dramas are still the most watched series by K-drama fans. Like the ongoing MILITARY PROSECUTOR DOBERMAN.

However, on the other hand, the Vidio streaming service has added its latest collection to entertain loyal K-drama fans. Yes, Vidio will air THROUGH THE DARKNESS.

Although it is not included in the simulcast Korean drama, this series is still a newcomer. Yes, THROUGH THE DARKNESS is one of the newest dramas in 2022 that was released early in the year, precisely on January 14th. For its final episode, this drama aired on March 12th, 2022.

1. Lift the Theme of Criminal Thriller

Directed by Park Bo Ram, the drama THROUGHT THE DARKNESS lifts the theme of criminal thriller. This drama is aired on the SBS channel in its home country. The drama, also known as Those Who Read Hearts of Evil, is ready to take you on an adventure with a profiler who penetrates the minds of his clients.

So, what is the story like? Before watching the story again, you can read a brief review and synopsis of Through the Darkness below.


The story of THROUGHT THE DARKNESS begins with a sensational criminal case in South Korea. A series of murders that are believed to be the work of Red Hat have not yet been solved.

Many strategies have been taken by the police to develop the investigation and find a breakthrough. One of them is by involving a profiler to get involved. Son Ha Young (Kim Nam Gil) was appointed for this position.

3. Launch the Investigation

Son Ha Young launched an investigation by applying his theory. He began to study the personalities of criminals who were deemed to imitate the actions of Red Hat.

Ha Young began to analyze their characteristics to be able to know what is actually in the minds of criminals so that cruel actions feel normal to them.

4. Interesting Facts THROUGH THE DARKNESS

Hey, there's more to it. But before KLovers watch it completely, it's good to see some interesting facts behind the THROUGH THE DARKNESS series.

Quoting which reports from, this drama is actually an adaptation of a non-fiction book titled Those Who Read the Minds of Evil by Kwon Il Young.

5. Write Down All Experiences

In his book, Kwon wrote down all his experiences while being a profiler. In the book, there are many descriptions of how a criminal profiler involves himself to see the minds of the perpetrators of crimes.

To make his book feel so real in motion pictures, Kwon Il Yong was finally involved in the Korean drama series THROUGH THE DARKNESS. He got a position as a scriptwriter.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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