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V BTS Has Beautiful Eyes, Plastic Surgeon Reveals They're Hard to Imitate

V BTS Has Beautiful Eyes, Plastic Surgeon Reveals They're Hard to Imitate V BTS. Credit: Nuna V - It's no secret that V BTS is a K-Pop star with a million charms. Besides his strong charisma, he is also known for his handsome visual and face.

Often, V BTS is widely discussed because of his looks. In fact, he has gone viral several times just because of his handsomeness. To the point that many people want to look like V!

Unfortunately, a plastic surgeon says that it's difficult to imitate a certain part of one of the BTS members' bodies. Read the full story here!

1. Plastic Surgeon's Comment

In an event, one of the leading plastic surgeons in South Korea, Park Il, discussed the visual of V from BTS. He said that the idol is too handsome.

He also pointed out two main features of V's beautiful face, his eyes and nose. Park Il then revealed that V has eyes that are captivating because they have no folds (monolid) but still appear big.

2. Cannot Be Imitated

Furthermore, the plastic surgeon explained that many young men in South Korea desire to have eyes like V from BTS.

However, unfortunately, Park Il revealed that V's eye shape is highly unlikely to be imitated. Even with the advanced plastic surgery technology in Korea.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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