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Want to Meet Fellow Korean Lovers with Your Favorite Korean Idol? Let's Create the Virtual Ticket First!

Want to Meet Fellow Korean Lovers with Your Favorite Korean Idol? Let's Create the Virtual Ticket First! Virtual Ticket KapanLagi Korea © - Annyeonghaseyo, have you ever imagined having an idol that you want to interact with directly even if it's only online? It would be fun if we have the opportunity to have a virtual fanmeet with idols and other Korean lovers even just #stayathome.

But before everything becomes real, KapanLagi Korea provides virtual tickets for some fun. How do we do it? Let's check it out here!


1. How to Create a Virtual Ticket

1. Visit

2. Click 'Let's Start'

3. Don't forget to fill in your personal data, starting from name, age, gender, and others.

4. Choose the Korean idol you really want to meet at the Korea Festival.

5. Upload your best photo to be paired with your favorite idol.

6. Finally, you just need to download it. 

Virtual Ticket KapanLagi Korea

Yeay! Congratulations, you now have a virtual ticket. Share it with your friends to create a virtual ticket from KapanLagi Korea. Don't forget to show off your virtual ticket with your chosen idol on social media and don't forget to tag your friends to invite them to watch together. Also tag  @kapanlagikorea yeoreobun~ Who knows, your dream might come true. Right? Let's make it!


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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