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X1 Disbands, Kim Yohan Revealed Flood of Drama Offers Including 'SCHOOL 2020'

X1 Disbands, Kim Yohan Revealed Flood of Drama Offers Including 'SCHOOL 2020' Kim Yohan © Yohan_Line - Fans are surely still feeling an immense sadness after the agency confirmed that X1 disbanded. Nevertheless, there is also happy news from Kim Yohan who apparently received offers to act in the KBS drama - SCHOOL 2020.

"Kim Yo Han, who was previously a member of X1, will play the lead role in the KBS drama series - SCHOOL 2020, which will air in August," said a source as reported by Soompi.

1. Confirmation from Agency

The agency confirms that Kim Yohan did receive an offer to star in the popular drama series SCHOOL, but he has not made a decision yet.

"It's true that he received an offer to star in that drama. He also received offers from many other dramas, but no decisions have been made yet," stated OUI Entertainment as reported by Soompi.

2. Kim Yohan's Drama Debut

Kim Yohan himself received an offer to play Kim Tae Jin, a former taekwondo athlete who won a bronze medal in a national competition as a child. This character is perfect for the champion of PRODUCE X 101 because he himself is a former taekwondo athlete.

Fans responded positively to the news of Kim Yohan receiving an offer to star in the drama SCHOOL 2020. Do you agree with Yohan's debut as an actor?


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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