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Admit Like BTS and IU, Meti Kim Releases Single 'But Lie'

Admit Like BTS and IU, Meti Kim Releases Single 'But Lie' Meti Kim © special - Beautiful singer Meti Kim has released her latest single titled But Lie under the label Bintang Lima Musik. This is Meti Kim's third single since entering the Indonesian music industry. The song But Lie tells the story of a man who often deceives a woman.

According to Albert Jules, the songwriter of the song But Lie, Meti Kim is very suitable to sing the song. Moreover, the singer born in March 1999 has a distinctive voice. It is because of her voice that Meti Kim is trusted to sing the song But Lie.

"Not all singers have character. I know Meti is still learning. What I know is that Meti's voice has a character that I haven't known yet, like there are vibrations," said Albert Jules in Tebet, South Jakarta, on Tuesday (23/6/2020).

"So, maybe because I can't sing, I gave it to Meti, it's really for girls. So when I made the song, it felt very suitable, experienced by many women," continued Albert.

1. No Longer Mellow

According to Meti, the single Tapi Bohong is very different from the previous two songs. If the previous songs were heard as more mellow, while the song Tapi Bohong is considered more energetic.

"The difference is that this song is more spirited, previously it was very mellow. So the recording process was exciting, practicing at night, figuring out how to give the best work," said Meti Kim.

2. Admiring BTS and IU

Like most singers who have idols, Meti is the same. She admits to admiring music groups from Korea, such as BTS and IU. Not only that, Meti also has Indonesian singer idols, such as Bunga Citra Lestari and Rossa.

"I have been singing since junior high school. I like singing just because it's a hobby. I love BTS and IU," she said.

3. Already Available for Enjoyment

Meanwhile, the single Tapi Bohong has been simultaneously played on national radios. In addition, Tapi Bohong is also available on all music streaming services. According to the producer, Ain Nasriko, since its release on YouTube, the song Tapi Bohong has received positive responses from viewers.

"For now, the response on YouTube is mostly positive, but there are also some who don't like it. If we look at the percentage, 87 percent of people like it. Let's strengthen the digital aspect first," concluded Ain Nasriko.

4. Tapi Bohong Music Video

Check out the music video for Tapi Bohong by Meti Kim here:


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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