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Based on a True Story, Gibran Marten Releases New Song Titled 'Cuma Kamu'

Based on a True Story, Gibran Marten Releases New Song Titled 'Cuma Kamu' Gibran Marten releases a new song. (credit: personal doc) - Actor and singer Gibran Marten has just released a new work called Cuma Kamu. This time, Gibran Marten collaborated with Thebillsproject.

Through this song, Cuma Kamu, Gibran apparently wants to tell a true story about feelings of love and admiration for someone. A feeling that is kept and never spoken in words. And this apparently is a true story that Gibran Marten has experienced

"The process of working on the song Cuma Kamu was assisted by Bill Agustinus @thebilsproject for the lyrics and melody, then also assisted by Kezia Sicilia @keziasicilia as the vocal director, and Marcel Stephano as the producer," said Gibran through a press release received recently.

"As for the music arrangement, it was done by @altansamusic and the mixing process by @billyramdhani," he added.



1. Music Career Marker

In addition to the experience of its creator, this song also represents the feelings of everyone who keeps their feelings but cannot express them. Therefore, the many real stories and experiences he has felt make it easy for Gibran to delve into the song. The process of working on and producing the song went smoothly for about a month.

Cuma Kamu is expected to be the beginning of various works that will be presented by Gibran Marten in the Indonesian music industry. The song Cuma Kamu was officially released on October 14, 2022 and can be listened to on all digital music channels.

"Hopefully, the song Cuma Kamu by Gibran Marten x thebilsproject can be an alternative music liked by Indonesian music listeners," Gibran concluded.




Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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