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Lyrics of the Song Man Ana - Nissa Sabyan and Its Translation: A Touching Expression of Love

Lyrics of the Song Man Ana - Nissa Sabyan and Its Translation: A Touching Expression of Love Song Man Ana - Nissa Sabyan (credit: YouTube Official) - Religious songs often convey deep messages of love and sincerity. The lyrics of the song Man Ana by Nissa Sabyan are one of them, with beautiful lyrics full of spiritual meaning. This song depicts the feelings of true love that is sincere and full of devotion.

In this song, the lyrics express the immense love and longing for a respected figure. It's no wonder that the song Man Ana is so touching to the heart of its listeners. For those who want to explore the lyrics of the song Man Ana by Nissa Sabyan, you can read this article.

Here are the complete lyrics of the song Man Ana by Nissa Sabyan along with its translation to understand the deep meaning contained within. Let's check it out, KLovers!

1. Lyrics of Man Ana - Nissa Sabyan

Man ana man ana, man ana laulaakum
(Who am I, who am I, who am I without you?)

Kaifa maa hubbukum kaifa maa ahwaakum
(How can I live without loving you?)

Maa siwaaya wa laa ghoirokum siwaakum
(I have no one else but you)

Laa wa man fiil mahabbah 'alayya wulaakum
(There is no one I love more than you)

Antum antum muroodii wa antum qoshdii
(You are my goal and my desire)

Laisa ahadun fiil mahabbati siwaakum 'indii
(There is no one else in my love but you)

Man ana man ana, man ana laulaakum
(Who am I, who am I, who am I without you?)

Kaifa maa hubbukum kaifa maa ahwaakum
(How can I live without loving you?)

Man ana man ana, man ana laulaakum
(Who am I, who am I, who am I without you?)

Kaifa maa hubbukum kaifa maa ahwaakum
(How can I live without loving you?)

Kullamaa zaadanii fii hawaakum wajdii
(Every time my love for you deepens)

Qultu yaa saadatii muhjatii tafdaakum
(I said, oh my beloved, my soul is willing to sacrifice for you)

Lau qothotum wariidii bihaddi maadlii
(If you cut my veins with a sharp sword)

Qultu wallaahi ana fii hawaakum roodlii
(I will say, by Allah, I am willing because of my love for you)

Man ana man ana, man ana laulaakum
(Who am I, who am I, who am I without you?)

Kaifa maa hubbukum kaifa maa ahwaakum
(How can I live without loving you?)

Man ana man ana, man ana laulaakum
(Who am I, who am I, who am I without you?)

Kaifa maa hubbukum kaifa maa ahwaakum
(How can I live without loving you?)

That is the lyrics of the song Man Ana by Nissa Sabyan complete with its translation. There are still many other religious song lyrics that you can find out more about by reading articles on Because, if not now, when else?


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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