Music Group ADAM Introduces First Single in 2022 'Hijrah Cintaku', Taken from Personal Experiences of the Personnel
ADAM releases latest single 'Hijrah Cintaku' / Photo Credit: KapanLagi - Budy Santoso - The music group ADAM is once again enlivening the Indonesian music industry with their latest single titled Hijrah Cintaku. This is ADAM's first single in 2022 and has been released since January 10th.
Previously, this group of 4 handsome guys has succeeded with several hit singles, such as Ya Rasulullah, Aisyah Istri Rasulullah, and Welcome Ramadhan.
"Hopefully, this song can adorn the beginning of the year for religious music lovers in Indonesia and can alleviate the longing together for ADAM fans," said Glamour Rino from the Botram Media Entertainment music label to the media.
1. Personal Experiences of the Personnel
ADAM releases latest single 'Hijrah Cintaku' / Photo Credit: KapanLagi - Budy Santoso
The lyrics of the song Hijrah Cintaku were written by Fazayubdina. The song tells the personal experiences of each personnel. "For example, I migrated in love after breaking up with my ex-girlfriend, then got to know Dinda Hauw," said Rey Mbayang at B Coffee & Eatry, Kemang, South Jakarta, on Monday (10/1/2022).
2. Involving Many Artists from the Homeland
ADAM releases their latest single 'Hijrah Cintaku' / Photo Credit: KapanLagi - Budy Santoso
Not kidding, the music video for Hijrah Cintaku by ADAM also involves many artists from the homeland. Eza Septian is trusted as the Music Arranger, while the directing duties for the music video are entrusted to Julian Kubik and many other names are involved.
"There are many artists involved in the production of ADAM's single Hijrah Cintaku this time, hopefully it will be well received by music lovers and religious song enthusiasts both in the homeland and abroad," hopes Glamour Rino.
3. The Difficult Process of Making the Song
ADAM releases their latest single 'Hijrah Cintaku' / Photo Credit: KapanLagi - Budy Santoso
The making of Hijrah Cintaku turns out to be not easy. The pandemic situation has made each member face many challenges until they can finally complete this single.
"The pandemic has made it difficult for us to finish this project. As time goes by, with the same spirit, we completed the song Hijrah Cintaku amidst limitations," explained Natta Reza.
4. Watch the Video!
As known, ADAM consists of Dodi Hidyatullah, Natta Reza, Rey Mbayang, and Anandito Dwis. At the launch event of their single, a special scene was seen, where the wives of each member were present to show support, such as Dinda Hauw, the wife of Rey Mbayang.
Curious about the music video? Watch it directly in the following video..
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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