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Release of Single Bertahan, Rocket Rockers Bring Fans' Memories to Their Old Works

Release of Single Bertahan, Rocket Rockers Bring Fans' Memories to Their Old Works Credit:istimewa - The band from Bandung, Rocket Rockers, has released their latest work. The single titled Bertahan was released on July 7, 2023, and serves as evidence of the band's existence as pioneers of pop punk music in Indonesia in the early 2000s.

The song Bertahan was crafted by the vocalist and guitarist, Aska, with additional guitar assistance from Samuel. They tried to bring back some of the hard beats and catchy riffs that were present in their early albums, and also incorporated some arrangements that had never been heard in previous Rocket Rockers songs. Plus, the wild ideas from Bisma, Ozom, and Yogie (additional keyboard) definitely enrich the composition of this song.

"In my opinion, this song is a combination of the old RR feel, but wrapped in a contemporary sound," said Aska.

1. Addictive Experience

Meanwhile, Bisma, the bass player, said that staying in the band provides an experience that can be addictive to listen to repeatedly. Ozom, the drummer, also has a different opinion. He is very enthusiastic when it comes to the process of working on the song 'Bertahan'.

"'Bertahan' can be addictive. Suddenly nodding your head and banging your body is one of the symptoms," he said.

"Finally, we can go back to making songs with a happy vibe, like going back to our youth," said the youngest member of Rocket Rockers.

2. Inspired by People's Stories

The lyrics of this song are inspired by the many stories of people circulating on social media, about their depression caused by feelings of insecurity, feeling abandoned, lack of self-confidence, and other problems that make it difficult to move on to a better situation.

In this single, Rocket Rockers collaborated with Decky Sastra from Rawtype Riot for the artwork, and Jefri Irsyad from Red Shores Studio for mixing and mastering. 'Bertahan' is a complete blend of pop punk arrangements from the 2000s, wrapped in a contemporary sound, and serves as a little sneak peek for their 7th full album titled 'The Good Flight', which will be released in August. This album is also the first album with the composition of Aska, Bisma, and Ozom.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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