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3 Examples of Short Stories About Mothers, Touching and Meaningful Stories

3 Examples of Short Stories About Mothers, Touching and Meaningful Stories Illustration (credit: pexels) - Short stories are one of the most popular and sought-after literary works. Like novels, short stories also have diverse stories. You can find short stories with meaningful and touching stories. Short stories about mothers are one example.

As the name suggests, short stories about mothers feature stories about a mother figure who is invaluable to her children. As we know, a mother is someone who is closely associated with a loving figure. Therefore, stories about mothers are stories that almost always touch the hearts of many people.

So, are you interested in reading short stories with touching stories about mothers? If so, just take a look at some examples below.


1. Short Meaningful Story about Mother

As mentioned earlier, stories about mothers present touching and meaningful tales. Therefore, even though short, short stories about mothers can still make one emotional and warm-hearted. Here are examples of short stories about mothers that are full of meaning.

The Best Gift

(by: Asri S)

Ruri walked wearily towards her house. She had just passed by Zahira who was carrying mini cakes for her mother. The cake was beautiful, with a cartoon mother and child image made of pink whipping cream.

However, Ruri overheard when Zahira said that the price of the cake was more than her pocket money, even equivalent to what she had saved for a month. Therefore, Ruri understood that she could not give a beautiful cake to her mother. The 4th-grade child then pondered about giving a Mother's Day gift the following month.

However, Ruri really did not know if she would still be able to celebrate Mother's Day next month. Because according to her teacher's explanation, Mother's Day only comes once a year. So, should Ruri delay the celebration of that special day?

Unexpectedly, her little feet had reached the porch. Then the owner of the curly hair peeped at someone through a hole in the bamboo room. Apparently, her grandmother was still asleep, so Ruri did not need to bother preparing lunch.

Then Ruri quickly ran to the backyard, then passed the path until she found a murky river. There was a narrow bridge with walls that seemed to be covered with moss.

Her little feet then continued to walk enthusiastically until she found her mother's grave among hundreds of graves of the village residents.

"According to Teacher, today is Mother's Day. Happy Mother's Day, my beloved mother," she said while kissing the top of her mother's grave.

"I want to buy a beautiful cake, Mom. I will give it to grandma next month. Meanwhile, you will receive a special Al-Fatihah from me today," she added.

After that, Ruri returned home to take care of her grandmother.


2. Happy Ending Story about Mother

Short stories about mothers often talk about the warm and meaningful relationship between mother and child. A mother figure can be a source of happiness for her children. Likewise, a child can be a source of motivation for the mother. Short stories about mothers that show warm and loving relationships generally have a happy ending.

Here is an example of a short story about a mother with a happy ending.

Umbrellas of Dreams

(by: Hadi Pranoto)

Mother is an umbrella vendor. A small building is made in the yard of the house. That's Mother's shop. In front of it, a banner is hung with the words "Umbrellas of Dreams". That's the name of Mother's umbrella shop.

Colorful umbrellas hang around the walls of the shop. There are also umbrellas that are opened. Prospective buyers usually style themselves by using an umbrella while looking in the mirror. Mother did put a large mirror on the wall.

After school, I often accompany Mother to watch over the umbrella shop.

"Mom, why is our shop called Umbrellas of Dreams?" I asked one day.

"Well, that's Kinan's idea," Mother replied.

I smiled at the experience a year ago.

Mother has been running the umbrella shop for 2 years. At first, it was because Father died in a traffic accident. Several months after grieving, Mother decided to open an umbrella shop.

Umbrellas of various sizes, patterns, and colors are sent from Mother's acquaintance umbrella craftsmen. Every day, Mother opens the shop from 8 am to 5 pm. Even though there are no visitors, Mother always opens her shop. I often feel sad when I come home from school and there are no potential buyers who have come yet.

Therefore, after school, I often accompany Mother to watch over the shop. Actually, since I entered 5th grade, I have become busier. The drawing extracurricular that I have been attending since 2nd grade has made me more diligent in going to school. Yes, because during the election for class president a month ago, I was chosen as the vice president. Nina, who became the president, and I were asked by Bu Erum to train new children in sketching.

"If you have activities at school, don't accompany Mother." Mother always says that when she sees me hesitate to say goodbye to go to school again.

"But Kinan, Mother feels sorry that she has to wait alone at the shop."

"It's okay. Mother needs to learn to be more patient."

One night, Mother entered my room. The book I was reading was kept on the bed. I thought, this is unusual. If Mother accompanies me to sleep, usually she comes in after I fall asleep. Not while reading like this. After dinner, Mother usually sews fabric for umbrellas and attaches them to the umbrella frame. Yes, besides selling, Mother also learns to make umbrellas herself.

"Tomorrow, Mother wants to sell at the Lembang surprise market. Usually on Sundays, there are many visitors," said Mother.

"If Kinan wants to come, don't stay up too late."

"Wow, Kinan will definitely come, Bu."

What is in my mind, of course, is a fun trip to the surprise market on Sunday. Like when Dad was still here. Like when Grandma came to visit.

But this trip to the market was not like before. Early in the morning, Mom woke me up. After morning prayer, we prayed that the umbrellas would sell. After that, we had fried rice for breakfast, then left carrying 2 big bags filled with umbrellas.

Of course, it was not easy to carry 2 big bags filled with umbrellas. Mom carried one bag with her body slightly bent because it was heavy. I myself could not lift the bag alone. So, my mother carried one bag on her shoulder, and her right hand helped me carry the other bag.

Looking for a place to sell in the flea market turned out to be not easy. Comfortable places to sell already have owners. Finally, my mother found a place at the end of the market, near the soccer field. The air was still cold, the sun had just turned red, but we were already sweating.

Umbrellas were displayed. Some were opened. The more it got later, the more visitors came. But until the flea market was left by visitors, not a single umbrella was sold. After my mother bought a bowl of meatballs and we ate our rice, my mother invited us to go home.

When we arrived home, it was already noon. Although it was still early in the rainy season, usually from morning until noon the weather is still clear. I went to the kitchen to get some water. When I entered the house again, I saw my mother crying.

"Why, Mom?" I asked, looking at my mother without understanding. My mother hugged me tightly.

"Forgive me, for making you suffer." My mother said in between sobs. "These umbrellas are my dream. I dreamt of being able to support our lives, to be able to educate you as high as possible. But it turns out that selling umbrellas is not easy."

Because it rains more often, my mother gave me an umbrella.

"Mom, can Kinan draw on this umbrella?" I asked. "Kinan has been dreaming of having an umbrella with a picture story on it."

"Sure, that umbrella is now Kinan's."

So I drew funny pictures on the umbrella. Who would have thought, two days later there were 3 friends who wanted to buy an umbrella, as long as it was drawn like my umbrella. Mother happily welcomed the news. She immediately got busy making a sketch. I helped to color it.

Oh yeah, my mother is good at drawing. Her school was the Faculty of Fine Arts at the Indonesian University of Education. My mother also worked for a year at a painting gallery. But, after getting married, my mother stopped working. My mother then taught me how to draw when I was 2 years old.

Since then, more and more people have ordered the funny cartoon umbrellas that we drew. My friends take selfies with those umbrellas on the internet. As a result, the umbrellas in the store are selling more. And orders through the internet make us busier.

"Let's name our shop the Dream Umbrella Shop," my mother said one time.

I gave her a thumbs up. Then we hugged. We are grateful that the Dream Umbrella Shop now has many customers.


3. Sad Ending Story about Mother

However, stories about mothers are not always happy endings. There are also stories about mothers that end in sadness (sad endings). Usually, these sad ending stories have a touching ending. Here is an example of a sad ending story about a mother.

Message from Mother

(by: Azharia)

Dew in the early morning, mother woke up Tiara and Tito to quickly get ready for school. Tiara and Tito were dressed neatly to go to school while mother prepared breakfast for them.

Every day, Tiara and Tito walked to school, sometimes they were accompanied by their father on a motorcycle. Mother sold cakes around the neighborhood to the market every day, while their father worked as a motorcycle taxi driver.

Tiara is now in 7th grade, while Tito is in 5th grade. Tito is a very smart child from 1st grade until now he often gets the highest rank, to the point where he participated in a math competition and won 2nd place. Tiara is also a smart child, she often gets rank 1, she has also participated in science and mathematics competitions. Tiara's and Tito's schools are close by.

Mom leaves to sell cakes, the price is quite cheap, ranging from Rp 2,000 to Rp 4,000. Every time she sells, mom brings 50 cakes and sometimes more. Some of the cakes are entrusted by people, and some are made by mom. Before leaving to sell, mom takes the cakes entrusted by Bu Jidah. Mom saves the profits for her children's tuition fees. Mom also starts selling around, from the residential area to the market, but unfortunately, no one has bought her cakes yet.

The zuhur call to prayer sounds, and mom rushes to perform zuhur prayer. Mom leaves the cakes in front of the mosque. While mom is praying, many people buy the cakes. Mom doesn't worry about the cakes in front of the mosque and continues praying. After praying, mom prays, "Oh Allah, may Tiara and Tito become pious and successful children who can make their parents happy. Amen."

After praying, a beautiful woman holds mom's shoulder. The woman brings the cakes that mom sells into the mosque. "Excuse me, ma'am, is this your merchandise?" the woman asks.

"Yes, this is my merchandise." "Sorry, who are you? I've never seen you here before," mom replies, surprised.

"I'm Tina, ma'am. I just finished college. I stopped by the mosque to pray. When I wanted to enter the mosque, I saw the cake merchandise. Before praying, I sold your cakes, and Alhamdulillah, your cakes sold out," Tina replies.

"Thank you, dear. Here's some money for you because you helped me sell the cakes," mom says while giving money to Tina.

"No need, ma'am. I'm sincerely happy to help," Tina replies.

"Okay, then. I have to go now," mom says.

"Okay, ma'am. Be careful on the way," Tina says.

Mom returns home and finds out that Tiara and Tito have already arrived before her. "Where have you been, mom? We've been looking for you everywhere," Tiara asks angrily.

"I was praying at the mosque," mom answers patiently.

"Okay, where's the food now?" Tiara asks.

"Don't eat yesterday's food!" Tito says.

"Do you want to eat this morning's food, dear?" mom asks.

"Why do you always ask that every day?" Tiara snaps.

"Just eat what's available, dear," mom answers patiently.

Tiara goes to the dining table with Tito, while mom goes to her room. In her room, mom cries, "Why are my children disobedient, Allah? What did I do wrong?"

While mom is crying, Tiara calls out loudly, "Mom... this food is already spoiled."

Mom goes to the dining table while wiping her tears. "What's wrong, Tir?" mom asks.

"This food is already spoiled, yet you still keep it," Tiara snaps.

"I just cooked it this morning, dear," mom answers.

"Sit down now, mom. Try the food, is it still good or not?" Tiara snaps.

Mom follows Tiara's order and sits on a chair, and she also eats the morning's food. Mom can't hold back her tears. While eating, mom sheds tears, and her heart is very painful to be scolded by her own child.

"Mom, why are you crying?" Tiara asks.

"I'm okay, dear," mom answers.

"If you're okay, then why are you crying? Now finish your food," Tiara snaps. Mom finishes the morning's food.

"Now Tiara wants to sleep, and don't disturb me," Tiara snaps. Mother only listens to what Tiara says, almost every day Tiara scolds mother, but mother remains patient and steadfast.

The call to prayer for Asr sounds, mother wakes up Tiara "Tir, wake up it's already Asr. Pray first, Tir," says mother, but Tiara does not wake up from her sleep.

The next day, Tiara and Tito leave for school without saying goodbye. Meanwhile, mother is sick because of yesterday's food. But mother endures the pain in front of her children. Mother carries out her duties as usual. Mother starts selling around even though she is sick, but she continues to fight for her children. When mother was selling, she was hit by a stone in the head. Mother's head is bleeding, and she is helped by the residents. Mother is then taken to the hospital. Mother has been unconscious for an hour.

Tiara and Tito have returned from school and are looking for mother "Mom, where are you? You always disappear," says Tiara in annoyance.

One of the residents passes by Tiara and Tito's house, the resident approaches Tiara and Tito, "Tiara, your mother is in the hospital," says the resident.

"Mom in the hospital, it's impossible for mom to be in the hospital?" Tiara replied.

"The doctor said your mother had food poisoning, and your mother's head is bleeding," said the resident.

Tiara and Tito then follow one of the residents to the hospital. Upon arriving at the hospital, Tiara and Tito are shocked to see their mother's condition. Tiara and Tito enter the room.

"Mom, wake up, forgive Tiara if she has been scolding you all this time," says Tiara.

"Mom... Tito loves you, don't leave Tito," says Tito.

"Tiara actually loves you too, Mom. Tiara is not a disobedient child, Mom," says Tiara.

Mother regains consciousness. "Tiara, Tito, mother can't take it anymore," says mother.

"Mom, why are you talking like that?" asks Tito.

Mother asks Tiara and Tito to come closer, "Tiara, Tito, mother has a message for you, and please keep this message in your heart."

"Mother wants you to be successful children, always remember Allah, always do good, you must help each other. Forgive mother for not being able to raise you to be good children until now." And one more thing, Tiara, please take care of Tito, and Tito, please take care of Tiara," said the mother.

The mother closed her eyes forever. "Mother... Mother...," Tiara called out while crying.

"Mother, wake up, Tiara doesn't want to be left alone by mother," Tito cried even louder.

The sun rose from the northern horizon, the mother was buried near the house. Tiara and Tito had been crying since earlier. Tito recited prayers for his mother's body. After the burial, everyone had gone home except for Tito, Tiara, and their uncle. Tiara and Tito regretted what had happened all this time.

Those are three examples of meaningful and touching short stories about mothers. What do you think, which one is the most touching?


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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