Kapanlagi.com - Learning is one of the activities that must be done. Because by learning, we can be useful to other humans and also to life. In Islam, learning is also an activity that brings great rewards. It is not surprising that there are many wise and inspirational Islamic study motivation words.
Islam has taught that seeking knowledge is something that must be done from an early age, regardless of gender. By seeking knowledge, we can avoid ignorance and strengthen our love and gratitude to Allah SWT. Muslims have been taught that seeking knowledge is not limited to one thing. There are many things that can be a source of knowledge.
There are many great Islamic figures whose stories can be our role models in seeking knowledge, and as good Muslims, we must also seek knowledge as best as possible. To be enthusiastic in seeking knowledge, we must cultivate enthusiasm and motivation. One thing that can motivate us is by reading Islamic study motivation words.
Therefore, from various sources, here are 30 motivational words for Islamic study. Let's check it out, KLovers.
1. Wise Islamic Learning Motivation Words

Illustration (credit: Freepik)
The first motivation words for Islamic learning are wise words. These motivational words of learning can be advice to encourage you to be more enthusiastic in seeking knowledge. Here are some of those Islamic motivational learning words:
1. "Seek knowledge and to seek knowledge, learn to be calm and patient." - Umar bin Khattab
2. "Knowledge is not measured by the number of narrations. Knowledge is nothing but a light that Allah places in the heart." - Imam Malik
3. "Indeed, among His servants, only the scholars fear Allah." (Q.S Fathir: 28)
4. "Knowledge without action is madness, and action without knowledge is in vain." - Imam Ghazali
5. "Seeking knowledge (of religion) is an obligation for every Muslim." - Hadith
6. "The first stage in seeking knowledge is to listen, then be silent and listen attentively, then preserve it, then practice it, and then spread it." - Sufyan bin Uyainah
7. "It is not knowledge that should come to you, but you should go to knowledge." - Imam Malik
8. "Whoever takes the path to seek knowledge, then Allah will make it easy for him to reach paradise."
9. "O Lord, increase me in beneficial knowledge."
10. "O Allah, I ask You for knowledge that is beneficial for all Your people."
2. Meaningful Islamic Learning Motivation Words

Illustration (credit: Freepik)
Then there are also Islamic learning motivation words that are full of deep meaning. These motivational words can be meaningful advice in seeking knowledge. Here are some meaningful Islamic learning motivation words:
11. "Knowledge is life for the mind." - Abu Bakar
12. "If someone seeks knowledge, it will be evident in their face, hands, and tongue, as well as in their humility towards Allah." - Hasan al-Bashri
13. "True knowledge, like other precious things, cannot be obtained easily. It must be sought, learned, pondered upon, and above all, accompanied by prayers."
14. "Some people remain poor in knowledge because of their inability to remain silent." - Ibn Qayyim
15. "Knowledge is what brings benefit, not just what is memorized." - Imam Shafi'i
16. "The deeper your faith and knowledge, the more you will feel peace."
17. "The essence of knowledge is to know what worship and obedience are." - Imam Ghazali
18. "Seeking knowledge solely for the sake of knowledge is not considered good in Islam." - Dr. Bilal Philips
19. "Knowledge makes a person humble, while arrogance makes a person foolish." - Boona Mohammed
20. "Knowledge comes in two forms: what is absorbed and what is heard. And what is heard will not be beneficial if it is not absorbed." - Ali bin Abi Thalib
3. Touching Islamic Learning Motivation Words

Illustration (credit: Freepik)
And the last Islamic learning motivation words are words that touch.Not only can it be advice to give the spirit of learning, but it can also be motivation that touches the heart.Here are some touching Islamic learning motivation words:
21. "Seeking knowledge in youth is like carving on stone." - Hasan al-Bashri
22. "Whoever learns something solely for the sake of Allah, seeking knowledge that is with Him, then he will succeed. And whoever learns something for other than Allah, then he will not achieve his goal, nor will the knowledge he gains bring him closer to Allah." - Hasan al-Basri
23. "In order to increase our faith, we should also increase our knowledge of religious sciences. The more you know Allah, the more you love and fear Him."
24. "Whoever desires the world, let him seek knowledge. Whoever desires the hereafter, let him seek knowledge."
25. "Islam is based on knowledge. The more you know Islam, the more you will love it." the less knowledge you have about Islam, the less love you will have for it."
26. "The most complete gift from Allah is to live a life based on knowledge." - Ali bin Abi Thalib
27. "Allah will raise the ranks of the believers and the knowledgeable among you." (Q.S Al-Mujadilah: 11)
28. "Seek knowledge. When you are poor, it will be your wealth. When you are rich, it will be your adornment." - Luqman al-Hakim
29. "Strain your brain to seek as much knowledge as possible in order to discover the great secrets contained in this vast world, but light the lamp in the depths of your heart, the lamp of the soul's life." - Al-Ghazali
30. "With love, life becomes beautiful. With knowledge, life becomes easy. With religion, life becomes guided."
Those are 30 Islamic motivational words that are touching and full of profound meaning. Hopefully, with these Islamic motivational words, we will be more enthusiastic in seeking knowledge.
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.