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4 Characteristics of Wealthy People According to Javanese Beliefs, Also Check Out 5 Auspicious Days Believed to Bring Success

4 Characteristics of Wealthy People According to Javanese Beliefs, Also Check Out 5 Auspicious Days Believed to Bring Success Characteristics of Rich People According to Javanese Primbon (credit: unsplash) - Javanese Primbon is one of the cultural traditions that is still firmly held by the Javanese community. For those who believe in Javanese Primbon, it is believed that there are several signs that are said to be a sign of someone who will become wealthy. Many people are curious about characteristics of rich people according to Javanese Primbon, because they can use them as a reference in pursuing wealth.

The signs or characteristics of rich people according to Javanese Primbon can be seen physically. In addition to physical characteristics, Javanese Primbon also reveals that there are several wetons (Javanese birth dates) that are believed to be talented in becoming wealthy. Curious about the explanation?

Just take a look at the following discussion about the characteristics of rich people according to Javanese Primbon.

1. Characteristics of Wealthy People According to Javanese Primbon

1. Radiant Face

According to Javanese primbon, one of the characteristics of a person who will become wealthy can be seen from their face. Usually, those who are talented in becoming wealthy according to primbon are people who have a bright and radiant face. They are said to have a face that always shines.

A radiant face not only refers to physical appearance but also to spiritual meaning. This indicates that they have positive energy and high luck, which supports them in achieving wealth.

2. Proportional and Energetic Body

Another characteristic of wealthy people according to Javanese primbon can be seen from their proportional body posture and graceful demeanor. In addition, their bodies also appear healthy and energetic. According to Javanese primbon, good physical health is the key to a person's success in achieving wealth. In essence, a healthy body will provide enough energy to face challenges and achieve life goals.

3. Agile Hands

The characteristic of wealthy people according to Javanese primbon can also be seen from their agile hands. Agile hands indicate that they have the ability to understand situations well and make the right decisions in various situations.

In addition, they are also skilled in various things and able to seize opportunities. Agile hands in Javanese primbon symbolize precision and intelligence in actions, which are important factors in achieving wealth.

4. Strong and Upright Feet

In Javanese primbon, the characteristic of wealthy people can also be marked by their feet. Wealthy people generally have strong and upright feet, indicating strength and stability in living their lives. Strong feet are a sign that they have strong determination and consistency in achieving their goals. Strong legs also symbolize physical and mental resilience, which is necessary in facing various obstacles in achieving wealth.

2. Weton of Wealthy People According to Javanese Primbon

Apart from the visible characteristics, according to Javanese primbon, the wealth of a person can also be seen from their 'weton' (Javanese birthdate). In Javanese primbon, it is believed that there are several 'weton' that bring abundant blessings, indirectly destined to become rich. Here are some 'weton' that, according to Javanese primbon, are talented in becoming wealthy.

1. Jumat Kliwon

'Weton Jumat Kliwon' is believed to bring blessings in all aspects. Those who are born on 'Jumat Kliwon' are believed to attain prosperity and good fortune in their careers and finances. This is in line with the belief that 'Jumat Kliwon' is a sacred day and possesses strong spiritual energy.

2. Selasa Pon

'Weton Selasa Pon' is also believed to bring wealth and financial success. Those who are born on this day tend to have a strong business acumen and can profit from various investments. This belief may be related to the power and positive energy associated with Tuesday.

3. Sabtu Wage

'Weton Sabtu Wage' is said to bring prosperity and abundance to those born on this day. 'Sabtu Wage' is believed to have strong energy in attracting luck and material wealth. People with this 'weton' tend to be successful in business and careers, and have a financially prosperous life.

3. Other Weton Orang Kaya according to Javanese Primbon

4. Senin Legi

Weton Senin Legi is known as a day that brings luck and success in career and work. Those who are born on this day are believed to have intelligent thinking and good abilities in achieving their goals. This belief may be based on the positive energy associated with Monday.

5. Kamis Pahing

Weton Kamis Pahing is also considered as a day that brings prosperity and wealth. People who have this weton are said to be successful in the financial and business fields, and have a prosperous material life. This belief may be related to the positive energy associated with Thursday.

Those are some of the characteristics of wealthy people according to Javanese Primbon and some weton that are believed to be talented in becoming wealthy. Hopefully, this is useful and can answer your curiosity all this time!



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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