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4 Life Hacks to Do During Sunmori to Avoid Lower Back Pain

4 Life Hacks to Do During Sunmori to Avoid Lower Back Pain (c) Shutterstock - Sunmori check! The weekend is the perfect moment to take a break from the routine.

One of the moments that is currently popular is the sunday morning ride or sunmori. Sunmori can use various modes of transportation, from bicycles, two-wheeled vehicles to four-wheeled vehicles, making it a choice for a short escape because it can indulge in hobbies and also a way to refresh after a week of work that can be tiring.

However, a happy sunmori usually comes with an after effect that often accompanies it, which is lower back pain. To avoid this, check out these 4 life hacks that need to be done during sunmori to avoid lower back pain!

1. Choose the Right Outfit

Not only when attending a party, choosing the right outfit also applies to sunmori. This needs to be considered because riding your favorite ride for hours can make your muscles tense.

Choosing inappropriate outfits such as tight leather jackets or slim fit shirts will only increase the risk of lower back pain. Instead, you can use flannel outfits and loose pants to complete your sunmori fashion. Not only does it look cool, but the risk of lower back pain is also reduced.

2. Warming Up Before Sunmori

Stretching is a mandatory ritual before sunmori! Warming up the body serves to relax the muscles and strengthen the back and waist.

This activity should not be skipped. Just like any other sport, skipping stretching will only make the body more prone to injuries, including lower back pain.

3. Always Ready with Cold Compress

There's nothing wrong with preventive measures. Prepare a starter pack for relieving back pain in the form of a cold compress.

Having a cold compress when experiencing back pain can significantly reduce the pain! This aims to stimulate blood flow to the affected area.

4. Applying Pain Relief Patch to the Waist Area

The last step that can be done before sunmori is always being prepared with a pain relief patch. This item, coolly referred to as a koyo, is very effective in relieving body pain.

Not only back pain, but also pain and stiffness in other parts of the body will diminish thanks to the pain relief patch. Guaranteed, sunmori will be smooth and enjoyable!

An exciting sunmori will refresh your mood and mind before facing the busyness of Monday. Don't forget to prepare the life hacks above before sunmori, KLovers!


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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