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40 Best and Popular Bucin Quotes, Can Be Entertainment for Singles - Couples

40 Best and Popular Bucin Quotes, Can Be Entertainment for Singles - Couples Illustration (credit: Freepik) - Bucin has become a term often used by young people when they are in love. Bucin itself becomes a title for those who love their partners very much. There are many popular bucin quotes, especially on social media. It's no wonder that these bucin quotes often become flattery and entertainment.

Bucin is an acronym for slave of love, bucin is already very familiar to today's youth. This term is so popular to refer to those who are in love. As we know, falling in love can make people intoxicated with romance. Doing things beyond control and even irrational behavior often seen among couples who are intoxicated with love.

Now, for KLovers who are looking for funny quotes for a bucin thing, then the following quotes will be suitable. For that reason, here are the 40 best and popular bucin quotes, as quoted from Let's check it out KLovers.

1. Best Short Bucin Quotes

These are the best and popular short bucin quotes. It can even be a funny entertainment for singles and couples. Here are the bucin quotes:

  1. "The heart feels comfortable in keeping secrets, but the brain feels unbearable to hold all the burdens."
  2. "Only the network is enough to be lost, not you."
  3. "Focus only on you, don't want anyone else."
  4. "Feeling a 'feeling' is easy, leaving it is too difficult."
  5. "Willing to be disappointed just to be able to endure with him."
  6. "If loving you is an illusion, then let me imagine forever."
  7. "My sleep schedule is ruined by longing."
  8. "Willing to stay up late just to chat with him."
  9. "Only Antarctica should be far away. Not us."
  10. "Consider me your home, if you leave, you know the way back. Stay if you want, leave if you're bored."

2. Best and Short Bucin Quotes

These are the best and popular short bucin quotes. They can even be a funny entertainment for singles and couples. Here are the bucin quotes:

  1. "I may not show it, but my heart and mind are contradicting."
  2. "Without you, I'm like an ambulance without 'wiuw wiuw wiuw'."
  3. "Promise to be with me now, tomorrow, and forever."
  4. "If I love you, I will still pick you up even in a storm."
  5. "If you don't eat, I won't eat either."
  6. "Your happiness is what matters, I'm not important."
  7. "Your caring attitude makes me afraid that many women will misunderstand it."
  8. "If you're going to sleep, don't close your phone. So I can hear your breathing."
  9. "You are my motivation, without you I don't know how to live."
  10. "Bucin: God's creature most loyal to their partner."

3. Best Short Bucin Quotes

These are the best and popular short Bucin quotes. It can even be a funny entertainment for singles and couples. Here are the Bucin quotes:

  1. "If the jelangkung is like you, I'll come pick you up, and I'll take you home."
  2. "What if we both become a gang of criminals? I steal your heart and you steal mine."
  3. "My love, this morning I couldn't eat because I missed you. I didn't eat in the afternoon because I was thinking about you. And at night, I couldn't sleep because I was hungry."
  4. "Loving you is like a drug: trying it once becomes addictive, not trying it makes me curious, being left behind makes me crave."
  5. "You're like a colored pencil, you can color my days."
  6. "It doesn't matter if we have different mobile operators, as long as our names are in the same Family Card in the future."
  7. "I may be quiet, but secretly I'm falling in love with you. There's medicine, on top of it is a nail. Turns out your laughter leaves a mark on my heart."
  8. "For me, every day is Tuesday. Tuesday in Heaven when I'm close to you."
  9. "Do you know, I'm like butter, and you're like a hot pan. Because when I see your face, I melt."
  10. "Look at my garden full of flowers, look at you, I'm blooming."

4. Best Short Bucin Quotes

These are the best and popular short Bucin quotes. They can even be a funny entertainment for singles and couples. Here are the Bucin quotes:

  1. "Kolak pisang tahu sumedang, even though the distance stretches, my love will never disappear."
  2. "Every time I meet you and see your smile, my heart always blossoms, is this what they call interest?"
  3. "I like eating anything as long as it's with you, even eating liver."
  4. "I love snacking because it's delicious. Especially when it's with you completely."
  5. "If I become a representative of the people, I will definitely fail. How can I think about the people when the only thing in my mind is you."
  6. "You are like the coffee I sip this morning. Bitter, but addictive."
  7. "If you were an angel, I would break all your wings. Because I can't bear for you to go back to heaven."
  8. "I often get jealous of your lipstick. It can kiss you every day, from morning till night."
  9. "I like girls with a sweet smile, quiet, fair-skinned, basically like a calendar photo."
  10. "If you were a guitar string, I wouldn't want to be the guitarist. I would want to be the one playing you."
Because I don't want to break up with you." That's 40 of the best and popular bucin quotes for all of you singles and those who already have partners. Bucin is often underestimated, but sometimes it makes a relationship look beautiful.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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