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40 Wise Javanese Captions, Full of Meaning and Valuable Advice

40 Wise Javanese Captions, Full of Meaning and Valuable Advice Illustration (Credit: Freepik) - Wise captions in Javanese language are known for being philosophical and full of advice. Meaningful words about life, God, and love in a post have the potential to become a source of reflection for your followers.

However, if you are not familiar with this, don't worry. Here are some wise captions in Javanese language that have been compiled from various sources for you to learn and take wisdom from.



1. Wise Captions in Javanese Language About Life

Wise Javanese captions about life that you can use as a post to motivate friends. Your followers will capture those positive advices and may provoke responses to comment.

However, if you don't have inspiration to make wise Javanese captions, don't worry! Here are some wise Javanese captions for you to learn.

1. "Manungsa mung ngunduh wohing pakarti." (Human life, good and bad, is the result of human actions themselves).

2. "Sak apik-apike wong yen awehi pitulung kanthi cara dedemitan." (The best person is the one who helps secretly).

3. "Urip iku terus mlaku, bebarengan karo wektu, sing bisa gawa lakumu, supaya apik nasibmu." (Life keeps going, along with time, which can determine your behavior, so that your fate will be good).

4. "Sabar iku ingaran mustikaning laku." (Behaving with patience is like a beautiful thing in life).

5. "Aja dadi uwong sing rumangsa bisa lan rumangsa pinter.Nanging dadiya uwong sing bisa lan pinter rumangsa." (Don't be someone who feels capable and smart, but be someone who can and smartly feel).

6. "Yen urip mung isine isih nuruti nepsu, sing jenenge mulya mesti soyo angel ketemu." (If life is still filled with the desire for pleasure, the name of a noble life will be increasingly difficult to find).

7. "Aja mbedakake marang sak sapadha-pada." (Respect differences, don't discriminate against fellow human beings).

8. "Ngapusi kui hakmu.Kewajibanku mung etok-etok ora ngerti yen mbok apusi." (Lying is your right. My obligation is just pretending not to know if you lie).

9. "Ambeg utomo, andhap asor." (Always be the first but always humble).

10. "Witing tresno jalaran soko kulino.Witing mulyo jalaran wani rekoso." (Love grows because of habits, prosperity arises because of daring to endure first).


2. Funny Javanese Wise Caption

Not only wise, Javanese language also has many funny vocabulary. If those vocabularies are combined with wise words and written in the right context, they become funny Javanese wise captions for your posts.

If you are interested in inserting captions like this in your photos, please check out the funny Javanese wise captions below.

11. "Dosa sing paling menyedihkan iku dosambat ora duwe duit." (The saddest sin is being hungry without money).

12. "Uripmu koyo wit gedhang duwe jantung tapi ora duwe ati." (Your life is like a banana tree, it has a heart but no soul).

13. "Nek dipikir suwi suwi iku loro, nek dirsake yo tambah loro, loro tambah loro, papat." (If you think too much, it will get worse, two plus two equals four).

14. "Nek ngomong ojo manis-manis, mundak cangkeme dirubung semut." (If you speak too sweetly, ants will attack your mouth).

15. "Kadang mripat iso salah ndelok, kuping iso salah krungu, lambe iso salah ngomong, tapi ati ora bakal iso diapusi." (Sometimes eyes can see wrong, ears can hear wrong, mouth can speak wrong, but the heart cannot be deceived or deceive).

16. "Sing wis lunga lalekno, sing durung teko entenono, sing wis ono syukurono." (Forget those who have left, wait for those who haven't come, and be grateful for those who are already here).

18. "Waktu adalah uang. Yen kancamu mbok jak dolan raono wektu, brarti wonge lagi ra duwe duit." (Time is money. If your friend doesn't have time to hang out, it means they don't have money).

19. "Niat kerjo, ora golek perkoro. Niat golek rejeki, ora golek rai. Ora balapan, opo maneh ugal-ugalan." (Intention to work, not to find problems. Intention to find fortune, not to seek attention). Not a race, let alone reckless).

20. "Kacang iku gurih, tapi nek dikacangin iku perih." (Love is beautiful, but if abandoned it hurts).


3. Javanese Wise Caption About Love Issues

Love will not be left behind in wise Javanese captions. Javanese language also sounds beautiful when speaking words about love.

Here are some wise Javanese captions that you can use.

21. "Gusti yen arek iku jodohku tulung cedakaken, yen mboten jodohku tulung jodohaken." (God, if that person is my soulmate, please bring them closer, and if not, please matchmake them).

22. "Akeh manungsa ngrasakaken tresna, tapi lalai lan ora kenal opo kui hakekate atresna." (Many people feel love, but they forget to understand the essence of true love).

23. "Uwong duwe pacar iku kudu sabar ambek pasangane. Opo meneh sing gak duwe." (A person who has a lover must be patient with their partner. What more if they don't have one).

24. "Iso nembang gak iso nyuling, iso nyawang gak iso nyanding." (Can sing but can't play the flute, can see but can't accompany).

25. "Arek lanang iku kuoso milih, arek wadon kuoso nolak." (Boys can choose freely, girls can reject freely).

26. "Ben akhire ora kecewa, dewe kudu ngerti kapan wektune berharap lan kapan wektune kudu mandeg." (So that in the end we won't be disappointed, we must understand when to hope and when to stop).

27. "Move on kuwi dudu berusaha nglalekke ya, tapi ngikhlaske lan berusaha ngentukke sing luwih apik luwih seko sing mbiyen-mbiyen." (Moving on is not about trying to forget, but accepting and trying to get something better than before).

28. "Jarene wes ikhlas de'e karo sing liyo, kok iseh ngomong 'Nek Tuhan ra bakal mbales, karma sing mbales.' Mbok wes meneng wae luwih apik." (He said he's already sincere with someone else, but still says 'If God won't respond, karma will.' It's better to just stay silent).

29. "Mbangun kromo ingkang satuhu, boten cekap bilih ngagem sepisan roso katresnan. Hananging butuh pirang pirang katresnan lumeber ning pasangan uripmu siji kui." (A successful marriage doesn't require falling in love once, but falling in love multiple times with the same person).

30. "Nek jenenge sayang kuwi kudune ra nuntut pasangane dinggo 'dadi wong liyo' mung mergo kekurangane." (If it's called love, it shouldn't demand that the partner be used for 'someone else' just because of their shortcomings).


4. Javanese Wise Caption About Relationship with God

Wise Javanese captions can also be used to describe your relationship with God. Indeed, for this matter, you need a space for contemplation. However, if you need help choosing words and expressing your relationship with God, here are some wise Javanese captions that you can use.

31. "Gusti iku cedhak tanpa senggolan, adoh tanpa wangenan." (God is close even though our bodies cannot touch Him, far without limits).

32. "Kawula mung saderma, mobah-mosik kersaning hyang sukmo." (Do what we can, then surrender to God).

33. "Mohon, mangesthi, mangastuti, marem." (Always ask for God's guidance to align speech and actions to be useful to others).

34. "Natas, nitis, netes." (From God we come, with God we live, and united with God we return).

35. "Ala lan becik iku gegandhengan, Kabeh kuwi saka kersaning Pangeran." (Good and evil go hand in hand, it is all the will of God).

36. "Gusti paring dalan kanggo uwong sing gelam ndalan." (God provides a path for those who are willing to follow the path of truth).

37. "Golek sampurnaning urip lahir batin lan golek kusumpurnaning pati." (We are responsible for seeking well-being in both the physical and spiritual aspects of life, and seeking perfection in death).

38. "Gusti Allah paring pitedah bisa lewat bungah, bisa lewat susah." (Allah provides guidance through happiness and through hardship).

39. "Urip kang utama, mateni kang sempurna." (As long as we do good deeds in life, we will find happiness in the afterlife).

40. "Tresna kanggo manungsa mung amerga katresnane marang Gusti Allah sing Nyipta'aken manungsa!" (Love for a person is only because of the love for Allah, the God who created humans).

Those are wise Javanese captions that you can use as inspiration to express your heartfelt thoughts with meaning and advice.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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