Kapanlagi.com - Throughout life in this world, humans always receive blessings from Allah SWT. Not only in the form of abundant sustenance, blessings also come in other forms such as ease in life. Therefore, as a devout human being, we should express gratitude. Gratitude words to Allah can be one way to express deep and sincere gratitude.
Gratitude has indeed become a necessity in life. Gratitude is a way to directly express gratitude to Allah SWT, who is the ultimate organizer of life. Even in difficult times, we are encouraged to remain grateful. This is because gratitude will make life more peaceful. Additionally, gratitude will also bring us closer to Allah SWT.
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Compiled from various sources, here are meaningful gratitude words to Allah SWT that can calm the heart.
1. Sincere Expressions of Gratitude to Allah

(credit: freepik)
Gratitude must be based on a sincere heart. Because, a person's gratitude is directly addressed to his Lord who understands the contents of the heart. Here are sincere and sincere words of gratitude to Allah SWT.
1. "O Lord, thank you for still giving us the opportunity to enjoy the beauty of the morning. Thank you for the air that we can still breathe. May we always be creatures of Your creation who are grateful."
2. "When I smile, it doesn't mean that my life is perfect. It's just my way of being grateful, enjoying the life that God has given."
3. "Thank you, O Allah, for waking me up this morning. Thank you for the breath and air that I can still inhale, thank you for everything.
4. "Alhamdulillah, thank you O Allah. Whatever You give me, it is the best. If not for today, I am sure it is for the future.
5. "Alhamdulillah, my gratitude to Allah for being given the pleasure of life and health to carry out activities.
6. "O Allah, I am grateful and thankful to You for being given a beautiful place surrounded by people who love and support me."
7. "O Allah, I want to thank You for the opportunity to see this beautiful world longer."
8. "No matter how good or bad your life is, wake up every morning and be grateful that you still have it."
9. "Be grateful for difficult times, because that's when you grow."
10. "O Lord, I express endless gratitude for every good opportunity that You have given.
2. Meaningful Gratitude Words to Allah

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Gratitude may sound simple and easy to do. However, when done with a sincere and sincere heart, gratitude becomes an extraordinary and meaningful act. Here are meaningful words of gratitude to Allah.
11. "Remember Allah more so that you can feel more grateful."
12. "I am always grateful to Allah because I can still enjoy the air and the warmth of the morning sun. Thank you, O Lord, may I become a servant who always prostrates to You."
13. "O Allah, thank you for all the blessings You have given me. Protect me from the bad behavior of others. Amen."
14. "Believe that what God has given is the best. What you should do next is to be grateful and take care of it."
15. "God's way of working is indeed strange, the only way we can understand it is by being grateful." - Chara Perdana
16. "O Allah, thank you for all the blessings you have given me until now. May I never forget to always be grateful for it."
17. "Know that gratitude is the highest level, higher than patience, fear (khauf), and detachment from the world (zuhud)." - Imam Al-Ghazali
18. "Expressing gratitude and being patient is a remedy to slow down the height of arrogance, the speed of forgetfulness, and the excess of ambition."
19. "When you are able to always be grateful for what you have, God will give you more."
20. "There are always more things to be grateful for than to complain about."
21. "Be grateful for the mistakes you make. They will teach valuable lessons."
22. "Want to live peacefully? Train your heart to be patient and grateful."
23. "Happiness does not belong to those who are great in everything, but to those who can find simplicity in their lives and remain grateful."
24. "A grateful person is someone who knows how to enjoy life."
3. Touching Gratitude Words to Allah

(credit: freepik)
As mentioned earlier, gratitude is an act that involves the heart. Therefore, only beautiful and touching words can perfectly describe it. Here are words of gratitude to Allah that can touch the heart.
25. "Alhamdulillah. My life may not be perfect, but I am always grateful for what I have because it is also a gift from God.
26. "Surrender to the Lord, so that we can enjoy more of what we desire."
27. "Be grateful for the mistakes you make. They will teach valuable lessons."
28. "It is not happiness that makes us grateful, but being grateful that makes us happy."
29. "O Allah, I will not let a day pass without expressing gratitude to You. Thank you for everything You have given. Thank you for all Your kindness and blessings, Ameen."
30. "O Allah, make me a sincere servant who is always grateful for everything You have given and keep my heart away from envy and jealousy."
31. "I am grateful because Allah has bestowed upon me so many blessings. Everything is proven by the many opportunities to do good that come to me over and over again.
32. "Sometimes the life you complain about is the life that many people desire."
33. "Oh Lord, thank you for your blessings today. Make me always among those who are grateful to You in any situation and wherever I am."
34. "If we ourselves do not feel grateful for what we already have, then what makes us think that we will be happy with having more?"
35. "I express infinite gratitude to You, O Allah. Make me a person who not only prays when hurt, but also a person who will always be with You when happy."
4. Wise Gratitude Words to Allah

(credit: freepik)
Gratitude is one of the reflections of wise attitude. A person who is grateful in his life will receive blessings. The more often he is grateful, the more wisdom increases within him. Here are words of gratitude to Allah with wise messages.
36. "If Allah gives you only a piece of bread, be grateful for it, because Allah does not make you beg to others to get it."
37. "Do not only thank Allah when everything goes well, but also thank Him even when everything feels difficult."
38. "Do not only be grateful to God, but also to all creatures that have given you life." - Pramoedya Ananta Toer
39. "Never forget to be grateful to God for everything He has given. No matter how good or bad, it is always for the best."
40. "Pray to be made a person who is good at being grateful. Because gratitude can make you happy at all times and in all circumstances."
41. "You only live once. So, be grateful for your short journey of life."
42. "Be grateful for the mistakes you make. It will teach valuable lessons."
43. "Always say Alhamdulillah as a gratitude to Allah because He is the determiner of everything.
44. "Most of us do not appreciate what we already have, but we regret what we have not achieved."
45. "Gratitude is the best way to feel enough, even when we are lacking. Do not expect more before making more effort."
46. "Be happy in moderation, be sad as needed, love in moderation, hate in moderation, and be grateful as much as possible."
47. "No matter what happens, always be grateful, do not let suffering make you forget how to be grateful."
48. "From now on, stop complaining, be grateful for everything you receive and possess because complaints are useless, they will only bore others and will not solve any problems."
49. "Wealth and knowledge will not mean anything if only enjoyed by oneself. Let's share, it is the highest form of gratitude."
50. "Thank you God for all Your blessings. May we always be Your servants who are good at being grateful.
Those are among the 50 words of gratitude to Allah sincerely and meaningful. Hopefully, it is useful and can inspire!
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.