Kapanlagi.com - Every culture has valuable principles for life. Javanese language, for example, has songs or poems that are full of meaning. Javanese wise words can surely be found there.
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The values of humility, closeness to God, or advice for living can be found when listening to Javanese songs or poems. However, if you don't really understand Javanese language but still want to take and spread those good values, let's directly refer to these wise Javanese words.
1. Wise Javanese Words About God

Illustration (Credit: Freepik)
Closeness to God is a personal matter for each individual. Various religions, worship rituals, and practices can be chosen as vehicles towards God. Wise Javanese words about this matter are also widely spread in daily conversations.
This happens because Javanese itself has advice regarding God with profound meanings. Wise Javanese words about God contain advice and reasoning on how humans should regard their God.
If you are interested in reading them, just take a look at the following wise Javanese words.
1. "Golek sempurnaning urip lahir batin lan kasempurnaning pati." (Seeking perfection in life and the afterlife).
2. "Adhang-adhang tetese embun, pasrah peparing marang gusti." (After giving maximum effort, we must also surrender to God).
3. "Yen kowe tresna mung amarga rupa, banjur kepiye anggonmu tresna marang gusti kang tanpa rupa?" (If you love someone only because of their appearance, then how do you love God who is without form?).
4. "Gusti paring mergi kangge tiang ingkang purun ting merginipun." (God will provide a way for those who are willing to follow His path).
5. "Sura dira jayaningrat, lebur dening pangastuti." (All stubbornness, anger, can only be defeated by wisdom, patience, and gentleness).
6. "Sepira gedhene sengsara yen tinampa among dadi coba." (No matter how big the problem is, if accepted with an open heart and sincerity, it will only become a light trial).
7. "Sak apik-apike wong yen awehi pitulung kanthi cara dedemitan." (The best person is the one who helps secretly).
8. "Ala lan becik iku gegandhengan, Kabeh kuwi saka kersaning Pangeran." (Good and evil coexist, it is all the will of God).
9. "Gusti iku cedhak tanpa senggolan, adoh tanpa wangenan." (God is close even though our bodies cannot touch Him and our minds can reach Him).
10. "Kawula mung saderma, mobah-mosik kersaning hyang sukmo." (Do what we can, then leave the rest to God).
11. "Gusti Allah paring pitedah bisa lewat bungah, bisa lewat susah." (Allah provides guidance through happiness, and through suffering).
12. "Gusti paring dalan kanggo uwong sing gelam ndalan." (God provides a path for those who are willing to follow the path of truth).
13. "Mohon, mangesthi, mangastuti, marem." (Always ask for God's guidance to align words and actions for the benefit of others).
14. "Gusti mboten sare." (Allah does not sleep).
15. "Tresna kanggo manungsa mung amerga katresnane marang Gusti Allah sing Nyipta'aken manungsa!" (Love for a person is only because of the love for Allah, the Lord of the universe who created humans).
2. Wise Javanese Words Full of Advice

Illustration (Credit: Freepik)
Like other cultures, Javanese people also have values or principles to live by.Wise Javanese words about life advice are usually conveyed by parents to their grandchildren.
Because they contain good teachings, wise Javanese words can also be read by anyone, not just Javanese people.Here are wise Javanese words along with their meanings that you can learn.
16. "Alam ora bisa dilawan, awu sing semebar iku sejatine berkah gusti kanggo njaga kesuburan bumi Jawa.Mulane ayo pada disyukuri wae." (Nature cannot be fought against, the scattered ashes are actually a blessing from God to maintain the fertility of the Javanese land.So let's just be grateful).
17. "Aja dadi kacang kang lali akro uripe." (Don't be a person who forgets the favors of others).
18. "Aja dadi pengecut kaya upil sing umpetan ning ngisor meja." (Don't be a coward like a booger hiding under the table).
19. "Urip iku akeh cobaan.Yen akeh saweran iku jenenge dangdutan." (Life is full of trials.If there are a lot of donations, it's called dangdutan).
20. "Kuat lakoni, ora kuat tinggal ngopi." (If you're strong enough to live it, you're not strong enough to leave it for coffee).
21. "Witing tresna jalaran saka kulina." (Love comes from the heart). Witing mulya jalaran wani rekasa." (Love grows because of habit. Prosperity arises from daring to endure hardships)
22. "Wong menang iku wong sing bisa ngasorake priyanggane dhewe." (The one who wins is the one who can resist their own desires).
23. "Sing wis lunga lalekna, sing durung teko entenana, sing wis ana syukurana." (Let go of what has gone, wait for what has not yet come, be grateful for what already exists).
24. "Golek jodho aja mung mburu endhahing warna, pala karma aja ngece-ngeceh banda." (Looking for a partner should not only be based on attractive appearance, marriage should not only waste material possessions).
25. "Ampun mbedaaken marang lintune." (Do not differentiate between fellow human beings).
26. "Memayu hayuning pribadi: memayu hayuning kulawarga, memayu hayuning sesama, memayu hayuning bawana." (Do good for oneself, family, fellow human beings, living creatures, and the entire world).
27. "Urip iku terus mlaku, bebarengan karo wektu,sing bisa gawa lakumu, supaya apik nasibmu." (Life continues to move forward, in sync with time, do what you can to make your destiny good).
28. "Aja dadi uwong sing rumangsa bisa lan rumangsa pinter.Nanging dadiya uwong sing bisa lan pinter rumangsa." (Don't be someone who feels capable and smart, but be someone who can and is smart at feeling).
29. "Ambeg utomo, andhap asor." (Be the first, but remain humble).
30. "Alam iki sejatining guru." (Nature is the true teacher).
3. Wise Javanese Words About Love

Illustration (Credit: Freepik)
These wise Javanese words are suitable for those of you who are falling in love or searching for the essence of love. Talking about love is not easy, so it's understandable if you find it difficult to understand it.
Therefore, it doesn't hurt to start learning the essence of love through the following wise Javanese words.
31. "Akeh manungsa ngrasakake tresna, tapi lali lan ora kenal opo iku hakikate tresno." (Many people feel love, but forget and don't know what the essence of love is).
32. "Akeh cara dienggo bahagia, salah sijine ngeculke uwong sing nyia-nyiake kowe." (There are many ways to be happy, one of them is letting go of people who waste your time).
33. "Nek jenenge sayang kuwi kudune ra nuntut pasangane dinggo" dadi wongliyo" mung mergo kekurangane." (If it's called love, it shouldn't demand its partner to be used by "someone else" just because of their shortcomings).
34. "Move on kuwi dudu berusaha nglalekke ya, tapi ngikhlaske lan berusaha ngentukke sing luwih apik luwih seko sing mbiyen-mbiyen."
(Moving on is not about trying to forget, but about letting go and trying to get something better than before).
35. "Tresno iku ora patokan karo ganteng, ayune rupamu, akehe bondomu, lan opo penggaweanmu." (Love is not based on looks, your beauty, your wealth, or your occupation).
36. "Mbangun kromo ingkang satuhu, boten cekap bilih ngagem sepisan roso katresnan.Hananging butuh pirang pirang katresnan lumeber ning pasangan uripmu siji kui." (A successful marriage doesn't require falling in love once, but falling in love multiple times with the same person).
37. "Seng paling tak wedeni orep neng dunio udu kelangan koe, tapi wedi nek koe kelangan kebahagiaan ne sampean." (What I fear the most in this world is not losing you, but I'm afraid that you will lose your happiness).
38. "Saat dewe podo-podo adoh, siji sing kudu koe ngerti, bakal tak jogo tresno iki sampe matek." (When distance separates us, one thing you should know is that I will keep this love until death).
39. "Sak umpamane koe iso ngrasakke kepriye rasane dadi awakku pasti koe ora bakal ngerti opo rasane, sakit lan kecewa." (If you could feel what it's like to be me, you would never understand the feeling of pain and disappointment).
40. "Aku ra njaluk luweh, aku nggur njalok ojo lungo nek ati." (I don't ask for much, I just ask you not to leave my heart).
41. "Mergo seng gaene ngekeki cokelat bakal kalah karo seng ngewehi seperangkat alat sholat karo nyanyi lagu akad." (Because someone who often gives chocolate will lose to someone who gives a set of prayer tools and sings the song 'Akad').
42. "Ora penting mikir malam mingguan, seng penting malam lamaran." (It's not important to think about weekends, what's important is the night of engagement).
43. "Pengenku, aku iso muter wektu.Supoyo aku iso nemokne kowe lewih gasik.Ben Lewih dowo wektuku kanggo urip bareng sliramu.
(I wish I could turn back time. So I could find and love you earlier and longer).
44. "Koe kuwi koyo bintang, sing indah didelok tapi susah untuk digapai." (You are like a star, beautiful to look at but hard to reach).
45. "Padahal dee mek konco, tapi angger dee cedak karo wong liyo.Rasane cemburu." (Even though she's just a friend, but every time she's close to someone else, I feel jealous). Feeling jealous).
46. "I can forget about you but it's hard to forget the memories."
47. "Can write poetry but can't play the flute, can see but can't accompany."
48. "You leave with memories, you come back with an invitation."
49. "Your love promises are big, but now you leave."
50. "Must be enthusiastic even though there is no one to encourage."
Well, those were wise Javanese words that you can learn. Who knows, they can bring positive influence to your future life.
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.