Kapanlagi.com - Almost everyone has experienced heartache. Because, life in this world is not always easy. Various heartbreaking events often happen, causing heartache. But there are many ways to deal with heartache, one of which is to behave wisely. Responding to heartache wisely can be done by interpreting wise words about heartache.
Instead of complaining, wise words about heartache will teach patience. In addition, some wise words about heartache can also provide extra energy, so that someone who is heartbroken can recover more quickly. That is why wise words about heartbreak are very important to know. Not just to be read, but also to be deeply interpreted.
Summarized from various sources, here are some wise words about heartache that can increase patience and the spirit to rise again.
1. Meaningful Quotes About Heartache

(credit: freepik)
Heartache does not only leave a wound. Behind every heartache, there is surely a valuable life lesson. However, these valuable lessons can only be obtained by giving meaning to the pain. Here are meaningful quotes about heartache.
1. "Between the rose and its thorns, between sadness and joy, everything is interconnected."
2. "You never lose by loving. You always lose by holding back."
3. "Heartbreak may be painful, but losing someone who does not appreciate and love you is actually a blessing, not a loss."
4. "Life is a long preparation for waiting for things that will never happen."
5. "We can be disappointed with the world, but it is useless for us because the world will keep spinning even if we do not move."
6. "Love is blind, but a broken heart sees everything."
7. "I will absorb all the meanings behind the bitter memories you gave me, and I will turn them into lessons to achieve a better future."
8. "Every farewell is an opportunity to do the right thing next time."
9. "Tears are the way the eyes speak when the mouth is silent, unable to explain how broken this heart is."
10. "Watering a dead plant is pointless, let go, their feelings for you are already dead."
11. "Your departure is my way of nurturing loyalty to loneliness."
12. "The end of love is not the end of life, it will become the beginning of understanding that love leaves for a reason, but also leaves with lessons."
13. "Everything ends because of something, and something else is ready to begin."
2. Touching Quotes About Heartache

(credit: freepik)
Heartache arises because of a wounded heart. Because the heart is indeed a sensitive and easily wounded part. Therefore, wise words of heartache must also be written in a beautiful and touching language. Here are some wise words of heartache that touch.
1. "Remember, you cannot reach what is in front of you until you let go of what is behind you."
2. "In love, there is a time to hope, and there is a time to stop. There is a time to fight, but there is also a time to let go."
3. "In this interval of time, I may regret loving you. But for you, you will regret losing me for the rest of your life."
4. "Crying because of heartache is ordinary, but smiling in the midst of heartache, that is extraordinary."
5. "Once you realize that you deserve better, letting go will be the best decision ever."
6. "Sometimes I wish I never met you. Because then I could sleep peacefully at night without knowing there is someone like you out there."
7. "Time does not heal all wounds; only distance can reduce its sting."
8. "Even this love will remain strong, even if eroded, cut, and vanished. It will still exist."
9. "There comes a time in life when you have to choose to turn the page, write another book, or just close it." (Shannon L Alder)
10. "Happiness because of love lasts only for a moment, but disappointment because of love lasts forever." (Bette Davis)
11. "The sharper the prayer waters the soul, the more intense the tears that fall."
12. "Like the moon that never leaves the earth, stars never leave the sky, so do I who will never leave your memory."
3. Motivating Quotes About Heartache

(credit: freepik)
Healing and recovering a broken heart is not as easy as treating a wound on the skin. It takes spirit and motivation to be ready to continue life after a broken heart. Here are some motivational wise words that can hopefully inspire spirit and motivation.
1. "Rise up, because life is too short to spend time with people who suck the happiness out of you."
2. "Listen, it's time to stop clearing your mind. What needs to be done now is to clean your heart from the debris of the past."
3. "Don't waste your time looking back at what's gone. Keep moving forward, life is not meant to go backwards."
4. "The world has no color when your heart is broken. But you can start changing your attitude now."
5. "Once you realize that you deserve better, letting go will be the best decision you've ever made."
6. "I will wait for that day, when I rise because I am able to forget you, or when you are down and realize you can't forget me."
7. "There is a time to hope, and there is a time to stop. There is a time to fight, but there is also a time to let go."
8. "Forget the bitterness, but don't forget the lessons."
9. "A strong-hearted person is not someone who never cries. But someone who remains steadfast when many people hurt him."
10. "No matter how hard I run from reality.No matter how hard I run from fate.No matter how hard I search for answers to all the questions, the answer to all of it is only one, that is you, I'm just too late to know."
4. Islamic Quotes About Heartache

(credit: freepik)
For Muslims, deepening their religion can be one way to heal the soul from a broken heart. Because in Islamic teachings there are many wise sayings that soothe the heart. Here are some wise words for a broken heart with an Islamic nuance.
1. "Disappointment is just God's way of saying 'I have something better'. Be patient, live life, have faith."
2. "No distress, sadness, anxiety, or confusion befalls a believer, even if it is as small as being pricked by a thorn, except that Allah will expiate his sins." (Narrated by Bukhari and Muslim)
3. "Do not grieve over what has happened, because nothing in this world is eternal." (Imam Shafi'i)
4. "Our hearts belong to Allah. When you feel sad, turn to Allah. When you feel confused, turn to Allah. When you feel happy, also turn to Allah."
5. "Allah does not burden a person beyond his capacity." (QS. Al-Baqarah: 286)
6. "Know that patience is likened to the head of a person's body. If the head is lost, then the whole body of that person will rot (die). Similarly, if a person's patience is lost, then everything will be ruined." (Ali bin Abi Thalib)
7. "Only to Allah do I complain of my hardship and sorrow." (QS.Yusuf: 86)
8. "When you feel alone in this world and no one understands your sadness, remember, wherever you are, Allah knows best."
9. "Do not grieve, indeed Allah is always with us." (QS.At-Taubah: 40)
10. "When you feel sadness, it means your heart is urging you to find Allah.
11. "This world is temporary. Sadness is temporary, happiness is temporary, so behave appropriately. Regardless of our current condition, whether we are happy or sad, ultimately this situation will change."
12. "Do not lose hope, and do not be sad." – QS. Ali Imran: 13
13. "Do not be sad. Surely help will come with patience." (HR.Ahmad)
14. "So that the pain of the test feels light, you should know that it is Allah who tests you." (Ibnu Athaillah)
15. "As long as Allah is with us, what does it mean to be sad, what does it mean to be afraid, and what does it mean to be anxious."
Those are among the 50 wise words of a broken heart that are full of meaning. Hopefully useful and can uplift your spirits when experiencing a broken heart!
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.