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56 Soothing Islamic Motivational Words, Ignite the Spirit to Live Life

56 Soothing Islamic Motivational Words, Ignite the Spirit to Live Life Illustration (credit: freepik) - Life doesn't always go smoothly according to what we plan. Often various problems arise one after another, making life feel more difficult. To be able to survive and get through these difficult situations, we need motivation within ourselves. Fortunately, there are many ways to ignite self-motivation, one of which is by reading Islamic motivational words.

Not only does it ignite motivation, these words will also bring us closer to Allah SWT. Because Islamic motivational words are written in sentences filled with goodness values. So when reading and interpreting these words, someone will be able to live their life more sincerely. With that, life will feel easier and more beautiful.

Summarized from various sources, here are some Islamic motivational words that can ignite spirit and bring us closer to Allah SWT.



1. Soothing Islamic Motivational Words

Islamic-themed words never fail to make the heart feel cooler and calmer. The same goes for Islamic motivational words written with gentle and touching sentences. Here are some Islamic motivational words that soothe the heart.

1. "There are always more things to be grateful for than to complain about. Alhamdulillah."

2. "Most of us do not appreciate what we already have, but we regret what we have not achieved."

3. "Be grateful for your current situation. Happiness begins with gratitude that is always expressed."

4. "No distress, sadness, confusion, or chaos that befalls a believer or even being pricked by a thorn, except that Allah will expiate his sins." (HR Bukhari and Muslim)

5. "If we ourselves do not feel grateful for what we already have, then what makes us think that we will be happy with having more?"

6. "Gratitude is the best way to feel content, even when lacking. Do not expect more before making more effort."

7. "The secret to happiness lies in 3 things: Patience, Gratitude, and Sincerity."

8. "Whoever does not appreciate the little, will not be able to appreciate much." (HR.Ahmad)

9. "Patience is crowned with faith." Losing patience is the same as losing faith. The Prophet said that Allah does not grant faith to those who are easily angered."

10. "Indeed, if you are grateful, I will surely increase you [in favor]; but if you deny, indeed, My punishment is severe" (Quran 14:7).

11. "Forgiving is the best victory." (Ali bin Abi Thalib)

12. "Apologizing doesn't need to wait for Eid moments, apologize when you make a mistake."

13. "If Allah gives you a piece of bread, be grateful for it, because Allah does not make you beg others to get it."

14. "The best revenge is to make yourself better." (Ali bin Abi Thalib)



2. Islamic Motivational Words in Facing Trials

In living life in this world, humans are often faced with various trials. It takes spirit and self-motivation to continue to move forward in facing these trials. Here are some Islamic motivational words in facing trials.

15. "So verily, with every difficulty, there is relief." (Quran 94:5)

16. "Be grateful if Allah gives you a test in life, because by doing so, Allah gives you the opportunity to become a better human being."

17. "If something you like doesn't happen, then be happy with what happens." (Ali bin Abi Thalib)

18. "Allah does not burden a soul beyond that it can bear." (Quran 2:286)

19. "There is no human being except that he is tested with safety to know how grateful he is, or tested with a calamity to know how patient he is" (Ibn Qayyim).

20. "Don't just thank Allah when everything is going well, thank Him even when everything feels difficult."

21. "Know that victory comes with patience, ease comes with hardship, and difficulty comes with ease." (Hadith Tirmidhi)

22. "Indeed, Allah will not change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves" (Quran 13:11).

23. "We are creatures who like to blame others, without realizing that the problem usually comes from within" (Abu Hamid Al Ghazali).

24. "Complaining will only make our lives more stressful, while gratitude will always lead us to the path of ease."



3. Islamic Motivational Words to Revive the Spirit of Life

The spirit of life is one of the important things that everyone must have. Because the spirit of life will make someone live their life lighter and more enjoyable. Here are some Islamic motivational words that can boost the spirit of life.

25. "Do not grieve over what has happened, because nothing in this world is eternal." (Imam Shafi'i)

26. "Know the meaning of life, because with it you can feel true happiness. Life is about how we appreciate everything we still have."

27. "A smart person is someone who controls themselves and works for the afterlife." (HR.Tirmidzi)

28. "For anyone who never loses their spirit, failure is only temporary."

29. "Do not grieve, whatever is lost from you will come back in another form." (Jalaluddin Rumi)

30. "Whoever strives sincerely will succeed."

31. "Do your worldly affairs as if you will live forever. And carry out your affairs for the hereafter as if you will die tomorrow." (HR.Ibnu Asakir)

32. "I believe that Allah's destiny is surely the best for me and for you too."

33. "Every new breath that Allah allows you to take is not only a blessing, but also a responsibility."

34. "Wake up in the morning to seek sustenance and your needs. Indeed, in the morning there is blessing and luck." (HR At-Thabrani and Al-Bazzar)



4. Meaningful Islamic Motivational Words

Islamic motivational words are not just ordinary sentences. More than that, these words hold deep meaning. Therefore, reading and understanding these words will open our eyes to be able to interpret life. Here are some meaningful Islamic motivational words.

35. "Living without Allah is like a blunt pencil, it has no point."

36. "Do not involve your heart in sadness over the past or you will not be ready for what is to come." (Ali bin Abi Thalib)

37. "The wind does not blow to shake the trees, but to test the strength of their roots."

38. "O Allah, do not make the world our main concern and the limit of our knowledge." (HR.Tirmidzi)

39. "Never feel ashamed to give, even if it is little, because giving nothing at all is surely worth less."

40. "The truth of something is not determined by how many people believe in it" (KH Ahmad Dahlan).

41. "Do not feel weak and do not be sad, for you have the highest rank if you believe" (QS.Ali Imran: 139).

42. "Whoever does not thank for the little, will not be able to thank for the much." (HR.Ahmad)

43. "Provision has been divided, it will not increase or decrease. Wealth is said to increase if the owner is facilitated by Allah to spend it in obedience" (Imam Hambali).

44. "A strong person is not the one who never cries, but the one who remains steadfast in the face of temptation."

45. "I try to make people happy, and since then I have gained the energy needed to express the truth" (Imam Hambali).

46. "Happiness lies in the victory over desires and the restraint of excessive will."



5. Islamic Motivational Words to Get Closer to Allah SWT

As mentioned earlier, Islamic motivational words can not only inspire self-confidence and motivation. More than that, these words can also bring someone closer to Allah SWT. Here are some Islamic motivational words that can bring you closer to Allah SWT.

47. "He is the one who gives life and death, and to Him you will be returned." (Q.S Yunus: 56)

48. "Allah will help a servant as long as the servant continues to help his brother."

49. "This world only has three days: Yesterday, it has gone along with everything that accompanies it. Tomorrow, you may never meet it. Today, that is what you have, so strive on this day." (Hasan al Bashri)

50. "The life of this world and the hereafter in the heart of a person is like two scales of balance, when one becomes heavy, the other will become light." (Amr ibn Abdullah)

51. "You worship Allah as if you see Him. If you do not see Him, surely He sees you." (HR Muslim)

52. "A knowledgeable person is like sugar that attracts many ants. He becomes a light for himself and those around him." (Abdullah Gymnastiar)

53. "Life is a journey, a journey from Allah and then back to Allah."

54. "And the life of this world is nothing but play and amusement." And indeed, the hereafter is the true life, if only they knew." (Q.S al-Ankabut 64)

55. "Avoid envy, for envy consumes good deeds like fire consumes firewood." (Prophet Muhammad SAW).

56. "And whoever fears Allah, Allah will make things easy for him." (Q.S At-Talaq: 4)

Those are among the 56 Islamic motivational words that can soothe the heart and inspire oneself. Hopefully, it will be beneficial and inspiring!




Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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