Kapanlagi.com - Dreaming of carrying a wife can be a romantic thing for a husband. Therefore, this dream can evoke feelings of love and happiness until waking up. However, it is not just an ordinary beautiful dream, apparently there is an explanation of the interpretation of the meaning of dreams of carrying a wife according to Javanese primbon.
Yes, for some people who believe, dreams are considered as a sleeping phenomenon that carries spiritual meaning. In Javanese primbon, every dream is believed to have hidden meanings. The same goes for dreaming of carrying a wife, which according to Javanese primbon can be a sign or guidance for a husband in living a married life.
Curious about the explanation of the meaning of dreaming of carrying a wife according to Javanese primbon? Here is a review of the 6 hidden meanings of dreaming of carrying a wife according to Javanese primbon.
1. Signs of Harmonious Life

Meaning of Dreaming of Carrying Wife: Signs of Harmonious Life (credit: unsplash)
In Javanese astrology, the meaning of dreaming of carrying one's wife can be interpreted in various ways, depending on the situation faced by the husband in real life. One of them, according to Javanese astrology, dreaming of carrying one's wife is a sign of a harmonious and happy life.
Dreaming of carrying one's wife is believed to depict an intimate and supportive relationship between husband and wife in all aspects of life. This dream is a signal of a stable and harmonious household in the future. So, if a husband experiences this dream, it means that his relationship with his wife is harmonious.
2. Symbol of Affection and Love
Carrying one's wife in a dream can also be a symbol of strong affection and love between husband and wife. This dream indicates that the husband who experiences this dream has deep feelings of love and great attention towards his partner. This shows that the marital relationship is filled with love and genuine feelings.
By having a relationship filled with love and affection, couples can strengthen and support each other in facing all the challenges of life. This makes their relationship stronger and more harmonious.
3. Proof of Honor

Meaning of Dreaming of Carrying Wife, Proof of Honor (credit: unsplash)
According to Javanese primbon, the meaning of dreaming of carrying one's wife is also considered a form of honor from the husband to the wife. This dream indicates that the husband values and respects his partner. It could be that all this time, the husband has treated his wife well and given her an important role in family life.
On the other hand, this dream also shows that the husband is also respected by the wife because of his wisdom and expertise. In terms of respect, the interpretation of this dream also indicates that marital relationships are based on mutual understanding and maturity, thus promoting positive development in family life.
4. Sign of Family Welfare Assured
The meaning of dreaming of carrying one's wife according to Javanese primbon can also symbolize family welfare. This can mean that family life will go well and be full of blessings. It is possible that the husband and his partner will achieve success and happiness together.
In addition, in relation to welfare, in Javanese culture, this dream can also symbolize fertility and abundance of sustenance, providing a positive outlook on the bright and prosperous future of the family.
5. Symbol of Protection and Security

Meaning of Dreaming of Carrying One's Wife: Symbol of Protection and Security (credit: unsplash)
Another meaning of dreaming of carrying one's wife in Javanese astrology is protection and security. This dream indicates that the husband has played the role of protector for his partner. It shows that the husband has made his wife feel safe and comfortable in this relationship.
In addition, dreaming of carrying one's wife in Javanese astrology can also be interpreted as the husband's readiness to provide physical and emotional protection for his spouse. It also represents the husband's ability to protect and maintain marital happiness. In this dream, you symbolize responsibility and strength as the head of the family, providing the security and stability needed by the wife and the entire family.
6. Sign of Pregnancy or the Presence of a Child
Finally, the meaning of dreaming of carrying a wife according to Javanese horoscope is also believed to be a sign for couples who are hoping for the presence of a child. In the horoscope, dreaming of a husband carrying his wife is believed to indicate pregnancy or the presence of a child in the family.
Regarding this interpretation, dreaming of carrying a wife in Javanese horoscope is a sign that family happiness will increase with the presence of a child who will bring blessings to the entire family. So if you and your partner are desiring offspring or trying to conceive, this dream can provide motivation and belief that the dream may soon become a reality.
Those are some explanations of the meanings of dreaming of carrying a wife according to Javanese horoscope. Hopefully, they are useful and can answer the curiosity that has been lingering. As for the rest, the decision to believe or not is left to the readers. So it is hoped that they can approach it wisely.
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.