Kapanlagi.com - Dreaming is one of the interesting phenomena that often occur during sleep. Not just an ordinary phenomenon, dreams are also often a topic of conversation. One of the dreams that is often discussed is dreaming of meeting a cat. This is because many believe that there is a meaning to dreaming of meeting a cat in Javanese primbon.
In Javanese primbon, every dream is considered to have a certain meaning and significance. As one of the dreams that is often experienced by many people, the meaning of dreaming of meeting a cat is important to know. Traditional Javanese society believes that dreaming of meeting a cat has various hidden meanings that may be interesting for us to explore.
To find out the hidden meanings of dreaming of meeting a cat in Javanese primbon, let's just take a look at the following review.
1. Signs of Luck

Meaning of Dreaming of Meeting a Cat as a Sign of Luck (credit: unsplash)
The meaning of dreaming of meeting a cat in Javanese astrology can have several interpretations. One of them is that dreaming of meeting a cat is often considered a sign of luck. This interpretation is based on the belief that cats are animals that have special supernatural abilities in Javanese astrology. Cats are believed to bring a lot of luck to those who keep them.
2. Signs of Desires Coming True
According to Javanese astrology, the meaning of dreaming of meeting a cat can also be a sign that what has been desired for a long time will soon come true. In relation to this, cats in dreams are often associated with strong desires and sincere intentions. In Javanese culture, cats are believed to have the ability to detect negative energy.
So, if someone dreams of meeting a cat, it can be interpreted as their desires coming true with the help of spiritual power that protects them from negative influences. Dreaming of meeting a cat can also provide moral support to someone to remain determined and work hard in achieving their goals.
3. Signs of Conflict Resolution

Meaning of Dreaming About Meeting a Cat as a Sign of Conflict Resolution (credit: unsplash)
The meaning of dreaming about meeting a cat according to Javanese astrology can also be a symbol of conflict resolution. Cats in dreams are often seen as helpers who can assist in overcoming problems or conflicts that are being faced. Cats are also often associated with gentleness, intelligence, and tranquility in Javanese culture.
Therefore, if someone dreams of meeting a cat, it can be a sign that they are seeking peace of mind and trying to find a solution to the problems or conflicts they are currently facing. The dream will give them courage and self-confidence to resolve the problem wisely. So, if you dream of meeting a cat when facing a problem, this dream can be a good sign that the problem will soon be resolved.
4. Sign of Intuition Sensitivity
Cats are often referred to as one of the animals with strong intuition and instincts. In folklore, cats are believed to have the ability to see beyond what is visible and sense unseen energy that others cannot. Therefore, dreaming of meeting a cat can be a sign that someone needs to pay more attention to and follow their intuition.
Furthermore, this can also be an indication that someone has a heightened sensitivity to situations and people around them. The presence of a cat in a dream can also be interpreted as a call to trust and follow one's intuition in dealing with complex situations.
5. Sign of Protection

The Meaning of Dreaming of Meeting a Cat Indicates Protection (credit: usnplash)
In Javanese folklore, cats are also considered a symbol of protection. Based on this belief, the meaning of dreaming of meeting a cat can be interpreted as a sign that someone will receive protection from problems and dangers that may arise. Cats in dreams are seen as strong protectors and can help someone overcome difficult times.
Dreaming of meeting a cat can also be a sign that the dreamer is surrounded by caring and protective people. Cats are often associated with warmth and comfort. Dreaming of meeting a cat can also mean that there are people around the dreamer who are ready to provide support and protection.
6. Sign of Courage within Oneself

The Meaning of Dreaming of Meeting a Cat Indicates Courage within Oneself (credit: usnplash)
Lastly, the meaning of dreaming of meeting a cat according to Javanese primbon also symbolizes courage and strength in facing obstacles. If someone dreams of meeting a cat, this could be a message that the dreamer needs to confront problems with courage and not be afraid to face challenges.
In this dream, the cat may want to convey a message to the dreamer to not hesitate in making decisions and facing difficulties with a firm and brave attitude.
Those are among the explanations of the meanings of dreaming of meeting a cat according to Javanese primbon. Hopefully, they are useful and can answer the curiosity that has been lingering. As for the rest, the decision to believe or not, is left to the reader. So it is hoped that it can be approached wisely.
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.