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67 Most Touching Heartbroken Words, Expressions of Sadness and Disappointment

67 Most Touching Heartbroken Words, Expressions of Sadness and Disappointment Illustration (credit: - The feeling of heartbreak can happen to anyone for different reasons. However, generally, heartbreak is caused by complicated and even difficult romantic problems. Some most touching heartbroken words can describe how sad, disappointed, or confused you are when heartbreak strikes.

Heartbreak is a condition that occurs when you expect something but it doesn't meet your expectations. It can also be experienced when faced with difficult choices that trigger the dilemma of choosing the best option. Heartbreak is closely related to romantic problems. However, there is also heartbreak due to other factors such as work, career, education, and so on.

When heartbreak strikes, a person tends to feel sadness, disappointment, loss of spirit, and even despair. This is why it is important to provide positive energy support to those who are experiencing heartbreak.

Well, the following most touching heartbroken words can be the best reference that can represent feelings of sadness or disappointment. Let's directly take a look at the review of the most touching heartbroken words that have been summarized by from various sources.

1. Touching Heartbroken Words

The most touching heartbroken words below can represent your heart that is currently shrouded in confusion. Therefore, the following touching heartbroken words can momentarily relieve your fatigue by expressing it through words. Let's take a look at the review of the most touching heartbroken words.

1. "It hurts so much when you have done your best, but it is still not enough."

2. "Every time people ask me if I'm okay, it just reminds me that I'm not okay."

3. "People cry not because they are weak. But because they have been strong for too long." - Johnny Depp

4. "I don't know if this is where I truly belong. I have no one to talk to."

5. "For me, sleep is not just about relieving fatigue, but an escape."

6. "I try to vent my anger. But if I'm the only one here, what's the point? When morning comes, I'm afraid to open my eyes. Even, I am so afraid just to breathe."

7. "I used to wish to disappear from this world. This world looks so dark and I cry all night. Will I feel better if I disappear?"

8. "If you know I can't have a role, then why did you involve me in your love drama?"

9. "Moving on is easy, what's difficult is leaving the past."

10. "I decided to forgive you. Not because you regret hurting me, but because my soul needs peace."

11. "I just realized that the same person can hurt you twice with the same mistake." - Jodi Picolt

12. "Let this self be like a coral and you as its waves. Even if you crash me repeatedly, this self will remain strong to move on."

13. "There's nothing worse than when someone who should love you, just leaves." - Ava Dellaira

14. "I wish I could make you feel my pain just for a moment so that you can understand how much you hurt me." - Mohsen El-Guindy

2. Touching and Heartbreaking Words

A number of touching sad words below can make anyone feel emotional. Because they contain deep meanings that represent someone's heart when they are sad. For example, being sad because of love, being sad because of career, being sad because of friendship, and so on.

15. "You care about me, but love someone else." - La Belle Personne

16. "Maybe, I just want to look in the mirror and see someone valuable. But I'm wrong because I can't see anything." - Mulan

17. "Let a million words be intertwined in my mind that still dare not show them in front of you. But without realizing it, my thoughts have already taken over, hoping to be by your side."

18. "Don't put me together with sad faces on your happy day."

19. "Everything has changed and friends have gone. But life doesn't stop for anyone."

20. "If I could meet God, I would tell Him that this life is a cup of coffee that I never asked for." - RM, Always

21. "Let me go to sleep, because only in my sleep can I have you completely."

22. "If I have to teach you how to love me or just tell me, then keep that love and your words." - Najwa Zebian

23. "God, teach me to know love as others interpret it. Because people say, He is the source of everything." - Pramoedya Ananta Toer

24. "Something must be let go to know what relief feels like. And there are things that have to disappear to know what regret feels like."

25. "The walls we build around us to hold back sadness also hold back joy." - Jim Rohn

26. "Until now, love does not know its own depth until separation." - Kahlil Gibran

27. "There is a time to leave, even though there is no definite place to go." - Tennessee Williams

28. "You meet everyone twice in this life, when they come and when they go." - CC Aurel

3. Touching and Wise Heartbroken Words

The most touching and meaningful troubled words contain profound meanings that can be valuable lessons. So that you become someone wiser in dealing with something. For example, about the meaning of patience, sincerity, or willingness to let go. Let's take a look at the discussion about the most touching and wise troubled words.

29. "When you feel deeply hurt by someone's actions, then pray to Allah so that you do not act like what they have done."

30. "Do not worry about tomorrow, today's difficulties are enough for today."

31. "The process of maturing in this life is through the tests that happen in your life."

32. "Problems are a test of maturity. There is no reason to blame others, fix yourself and become a mature person."

33. "Happiness is not because there are no problems. It is the skill to handle them." - Steve Maraboli

34. "Forgive but do not forget, or you will be hurt again. Forgiving changes perspectives, forgetting erases lessons." - Paulo Coelho

35. "The standard of living set by the world is getting higher like Mount Everest. The higher I approach the peak, the more pressured I feel. "

36. "Laughed at by distance and time, accompanied by hopes that I feel are fake. But I trust patience only to you."

37. "Falling in love teaches me how to be brave. Also how to be patient when you leave me alone."

38. "You can fall in love with anyone, but you have no right to force someone else to love you." - Boy Candra

39. "True love doesn't have to be together, sometimes true love is separated but nothing changes."

40. "Complete your life by loving someone who loves you, not someone who wastes your presence."

41. "If you love someone, let them go. If that person comes back, they are yours. But if not, they were never meant to be yours." - Richard Bach

42. "Life is too short to let others determine what makes us happy." - Ernest Prakasa

43. "Do not forget the experiences that can lead you further ahead."

44. "Anger and hatred will only bring hardship in life."

45. "In life, sometimes we get more of what we don't want. But when we get what we want, in the end, we realize that what we want doesn't always make life better."

46. "Not everything stays forever in your life. Because they only come as life lessons, to teach you the meaning of time."

47. "The world does not revolve around you because you are not the center of the solar system. Remove your ego because you don't live alone in this world."

48. "Everyone will hurt you, you just have to find someone who is worth making you feel it." - Bob Marley

49. "You can't buy love, but you can pay a high price for it." - Henny Youngman

50. "Crying alone doesn't show that you are weak, but it shows that you are strong."

51. "If you are a kind-hearted person, you experience more problems than others."

4. Expressing Sadness with Touching Heartbroken Words

As for the most touching sad words below, they can express your sadness about something. It can be related to love, work, friendship, or family. Let's take a look at the following review of the most touching sad words.

52. "It's not easy to let go or hold on to something that was once good suddenly turns drastically bad."

53. "When you arrive at a crossroads and have to choose the path to take. Sometimes, it feels like walking on a treadmill, running in the same place."

54. "I want to be silent, to give you a chance to learn to be sensitive."

55. "I don't want to own you, so I never feel like losing you."

56. "I can't forget you, but I can let you go."

57. "My shoulder may not always be there when you're sad and crying, but my love will always be there for you."

58. "Long before you came, I had fallen in love and been hurt. So now I'm used to it."

59. "There are times when you give signals of love, but there are also times when you give signals to leave."

60. "It's painful when you and he love each other, but only as friends."

61. "Suffering is enough to make me a true human being."

62. "I have given you my heart, I never thought you would return it in pieces."

63. "Don't be devastated just because someone's attitude disappoints you. Out there, there are still many waiting for your sweet smile."

64. "I hold back disappointment. The meeting that should have been full of laughter seems to be only stored in imagination."

65. "You meet everyone twice in this life, when they come and when they leave." - CC Aurel

66. "It's sad to know that I'm done. But, looking back, I have many beautiful memories." - Bonnie Blair

67. "Tears come from the heart and not from the brain." - Leonardo da Vinci

Well, those are 67 most touching heartbroken words, expressions of sadness and disappointment. The above words can be used as a reference for you if you relate to the problems you are facing.



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