Kapanlagi.com - Dreams that appear during sleep can be very diverse. Often, dreams experienced during sleep feel so strange and scary. One of the strange and frightening dreams is dreaming of seeing someone who has died then dies again. It is so strange that many people believe that there is an explanation of the meaning of dreaming of someone who has died then dies again.
Yes, for some people, dreams are believed to have hidden meanings. The same goes for dreaming of seeing someone who has died, coming back to life. This dream is believed to have several important meanings that could be a sign or warning for the dreamer.
Curious, what is the explanation of the meaning of dreaming of seeing someone who has died then dies again? To find out, just read the following review.
1. Sign of Major Change

Meaning of Seeing Someone Who Has Already Died Die Again Sign of Major Change (credit: unsplash)
Dreaming of seeing someone who has already died and then dies again actually has various interpretations, depending on the situation and conditions that someone is experiencing in their life. One of them, dreaming of seeing someone who has already died, then dies again can be a sign of a major change that will happen in life.
Furthermore, this can indicate that the person who dreams will experience significant transformation in several aspects of life, whether it is in career, personal relationships, or spiritual growth.
2. Sign of Resurrection
In Javanese folklore, dreaming of seeing someone who has already died and then dies again can be interpreted as a sign of resurrection. This can mean that the person who dreams will rediscover a new spirit and energy in living their life.
Regarding this interpretation, dreaming of seeing someone die and then die again can be a sign that someone will be able to overcome challenges or achieve long-held goals.
3. Fading Relationships

Meaning of Seeing Someone who has Already Passed Away Dying Again Fading Relationships (credit: unsplash)
Furthermore, the meaning of dreaming about seeing someone who has already passed away and then dying again can also be a warning in a current relationship. This dream could be a sign that a certain relationship or bond in the dreamer's life is fading or on the verge of destruction.
This dream may depict a situation where the dreamer feels that their relationship with someone is no longer relevant or providing the same emotional support as before.
4. Receiving Messages from the Spirit World
According to Javanese folklore, dreaming about seeing someone who has already passed away and then dying again in the dream can be considered as a message from the spirit world. The dreamer may be receiving messages or guidance from the deceased person. It is advised to reflect on the meaning or message conveyed and to find out if there is any special significance behind it.
5. Spiritual Transformation

The Meaning of Seeing Someone Who Has Already Passed Away Dying Again: Spiritual Transformation (credit: unsplash)
Dreams of seeing someone who has already passed away dying again actually have a special meaning related to someone's spiritual growth and self-transformation. The meaning of this dream can also indicate that the dreamer is undergoing a process of change in terms of understanding and spiritual beliefs.
Through this dream, it seems that the dreamer is on a journey towards a higher level of consciousness than before. Perhaps the dreamer is currently experiencing an important shift in their perspective on life and the spiritual values they previously held.
6. Facing Guilt
Dreams of seeing someone who has already passed away and then dying again can also be seen as a representation of guilt in the mind and heart. This dream may highlight the importance of forgiving oneself and facing the burden of the past that can affect the thoughts and feelings of the dreamer.
7. Bringing Messages to the Subconscious Mind

Meaning of Seeing a Deceased Person Dying Again Bringing Messages in the Subconscious (credit: unsplash)
Finally, the meaning of dreaming about seeing someone who has already passed away and then dying again also reflects a message that is not yet realized in the dreamer's subconscious mind. This dream can be a call to explore thoughts, feelings, or emotions that may be hidden or not fully understood.
In relation to this, this dream is a sign that the dreamer is going through a process of reflection. Therefore, it is advisable to pay attention to the signs in the dream, in order to find the message that is being conveyed and apply it in real life.
Those are some explanations of the meaning of dreaming about seeing someone who has already passed away and then dying again according to Javanese beliefs. However, it is important to remember that Javanese beliefs only serve as a guide or a belief attached to Javanese traditions and culture.
The above explanation is not a definite truth or an accurate prediction as it cannot be explained scientifically. Therefore, for the rest, the decision to believe or not to believe is left to the reader.
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.